Honest Game Feedback


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Hello couldn't find a honest feedback section for developers.

Here is my honest feedback and what I think should be looked into:

First off love the game, the concept, etc..

1. I've never heard of cabins up north without fireplaces or wood burning stoves in my life. Noticed quite a few cabins don't have fireplaces, etc..

2. All the frozen corpses looks exactly the same as far as the profile of the man. Would be nice to see different looking people even different sex.

3. JUMPING*** if we can run, craft items, etc.. we should be able to jump. I'm sure this has been mentioned before but just to point it out again in sandbox the game needs jump ASAP!

4. Addition of other survivors that may or may not be hostile ? Would be cool to see this.

Conclusion: all in all it's a very awesome game. I am very critical of games and the realism and I really feel this game has the potential to be amazing. Just fixing the above 3 to 4 things at least adding jump to a human being that should be able to do so, would make the game more enjoyable!

Thanks for reading and hopefully taking my feedback into consideration to whom it may concern!


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Ever tried jumping with 40 kg of gear on your back? Not gonna get much air.

It would, however, be nice to be able to mantel or "climb" over small obstacles.

I'm guessing this would require an major reworking of the game for the developers though, and so probably won't be happening anytime soon.

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They could be cabins meant only for summer use. That's perfectly plausible, and I've seen plenty like that. Certainly not a majority though, to be fair.

I agree fully with your assessment of the corpses.

Jumping... I'm okay without the jump, but I agree it would nice to be able to climb over fences and other small objects. I think wolves should be able to jump these as well.

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Hello couldn't find a honest feedback section for developers.

Here is my honest feedback and what I think should be looked into:

I guess we can safely assume that this subforum - Alpha Playtest Feedback - is intended for honest feedback only. So welcome to this place where honest people come together... 8-)

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4. Addition of other survivors that may or may not be hostile ? Would be cool to see this.

It has already been announced that survivors are being implemented in the story mode within episodes:

Will You Be Saviour, or Survivor?

(In Story Mode only; launching Spring 2016) Morally challenging scenarios that push players to answer the question: “How far will you go to survive?”. Any survivor you meet in the world can be friend or foe. Will you risk your life to discover what they know and selflessly sacrifice for the common good, or live—and potentially die—by the adage, “might makes right”?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cabins without fireplaces are OK. They are certainly odd but if they're only intended for summer use than they wouldn't need them. The Mystery Lake cabins would be a good example. The cabins in the middle of the map though... that is a little more odd :)

+1 to more diversity in corpses. Would make the game more lifelike as opposed to the cold destroying a clone army

Jumping, no. Giant bag and deep snow? You're not jumping anywhere. Mounting objects? YES!!! And I agree that if you could do it so should wolves and bears.

I don't mind lack of NPCs. Like LordStarwalker said they're planned for the single player game anyway.

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