Why Timberwolf Mountain is so easy on Stalker??

Bear Stew

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I played alot of this game and when i wanted a challenge i went to play on TM in stalker mode.

My surprise after 1 day(real time) of playing and exploring was to reach the Summit in 1 or 2 days (in game time).and i tried the same for more 10 times or more and i make it all the time, but that s ok.

I am disapointed is with the type and quantity of loot that you can find on the hardest map of all.i mean cured wolf dear and rabbit hides?? those should be in mystery lake for the new players dont you think?? lots and lots of food.why? shouldn´t this map be the hardest and make you hunt to survive?? the map has the best loot of all map´s and you can have it in 4or 5 days (in game time)what´s the point of that?

I can understand the amounts of clothes and tools because ther s no other way to get cloth and scrap metal,but cured pelts...

This is an awesome game and thank´s for the good work but can you guys make it more challenging?? because my save game died before i die. :)

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And how long have you tried surviving on the map? Did you spawn there, or did you come equipped from another map? Because, yes, reaching the summit is fairly easy if you know the way; it's surviving on the map after all the loot is depleted that's the hard part, especially if you've spawned there and don't have the luxury of limitless supplies of ammo, arrows, and whetstones to rely on. But if you've already mastered that, I'd love to see your LP's. Do you have a YouTube channel?

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Living on only TM, with its loot will let you live for at least 500 days, and indeed, most of the times is easy. The question is.... are the player is kind of new and not bored with game, or the player is a veteran. If player is new, then yeah can go for 500+ days and what not. For a veteran player every new sandbox is ~10-20 hours of gameplay, to explore the map fully, and then boredom sets in because mechanics are known, other maps been visited before and blah blah blah. There is literally nothing to do in tm for me, because i explored everything and know map basically in and out. I'm definitely not playing hibernation style anymore because its dumb. At a moment i cant force myself to play the game no more.

To get food you dont even need a bow, nor rifle... on the crystal lake food is for free. only thing is matches, because there is only one report of person finding a magny glass in tm. still smartly using matches, and few strikers will last you easily till day 500 if not 1000. And all hatchets, knifes and hacksaws can be used for meat harvesting only. no need to chop wood since there is bunch of sticks around the mountaineers hut. So basically once tools are gone, still can harvest bare handed right when kill is fresh, or if its frozen light a fire. I personally would save matches, only for cooking food. I probably would just harvest bare handed for 2-3 hours, it would give me like 4kg of venison, that will last me 10 days or so, by that time new deer would spawn and cycle continues. Also would steer dear to wolf when its mid of the day, or towards the end of the day when the possibility of high winds or blizzards is lowest, so while harvesting 2-3 hours at once, wont get into a bad situation.

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And how long have you tried surviving on the map? Did you spawn there, or did you come equipped from another map? Because, yes, reaching the summit is fairly easy if you know the way; it's surviving on the map after all the loot is depleted that's the hard part, especially if you've spawned there and don't have the luxury of limitless supplies of ammo, arrows, and whetstones to rely on. But if you've already mastered that, I'd love to see your LP's. Do you have a YouTube channel?

Im gonna break it down so you can understand.

My last 10 run´s i spawned in TM in stalker and belive it or not i reached the Summit for 10 times with only the spwan items you get.so no hatchet no knife no food almost no water and poor clothes and i did it all the times (i was just testing some quik way to get up there with less loot possible because you have alot to bring back).but i m ok with that because once you master the game and the map is just more of the same.

I know that the big objective is surviving after you loot the map and i got a save with 100 days.but my point here is not long time survival because belive me you gonna get bored before you reached 30 days because in the mean time you already explored all the map and you will get all the loot you need to survive 200 + days(what you gonna do next hibernate?hell no thats not playing the game) and there comes the big problem for me that is : the loot quantity and quality you get because this should be the hardest map so the loot should be scare otherwise theres no challenge.But the loot its not scare and in the top of that you get the RARE items that sometimes you only can get if you explored 2 or more map s in one run.

After loot all map you get:

Rifle = 1 (that´s ok)

Ammo = 20-30 ( that´s ok to everyone i guess :) but comparing to one of my run´s in 4 maps i got 45 in total)

Food\Drink = ALOT (you can survive almost 50 days or more without hunting)

MEDS = 50 Antibiotics + 8-9 Antiseptic B. + 40 Painkillers + 10-15 Bandages (that´s ok to)

Clothes = ALOT (and you will get all the rare ones like Premium w. coat,Mariner's pea coat,Cargo pants,etc)

Tools = 4-5 Hatchets + 3-4 Knifes + 4-5 Hacksaws + 1-2 heavy hammers + 7-8 Quality tools + 8-9 Rifle C. K. + 6-7 whetstones +1 Sewing kit (200 days of tools or more)

Cured Pelts = 10-12 Rabbit + 2-3 Wolf + 6-8 Dear (no need to hunt to get the best clohtes in game and no time need to cure the pelt´s,just the guts :) )

And of course lots of Flares,Storm lanterns,Fuel, some Firestrikers and Matches.

1 - If this is the Hard map dont you think we should be obliged to hunt more to eat instead of just looting some crates?

2 - If this is the Hard map why there´s already cured pelts in loot containers putting you in a big advantage related to the other map´s that are easy,but if you want the pelt clothes in those maps you have to hunt and wait to cure ?

3 - If this is the Hard map why all the clothes especially the rare ones and the tools? ( i understant that is the only way to get cloth and scrap but once you got the pelt clothes witch you can have in 7-8 in game days and if you are carefull you will not need that mucth cloth and the scrap is just for hooks and few repairs)?

I have more questions but my post is to long already :).The 3 question is not my big problem because i understant you need the cloth and the scrap for long run´s,but he 1st and the 2 are my biggest problems,that and if you make base in the Mountaineer's Hut you have free Dear every 4-5 days or so because a wolf spawns at 300-400m from that dear every time and you just need to scare him or kill him and that ´s OP as f... Ther´s no Real challenge in this map just the weather and just the first 2 in game days if you don t have lucky to spawn in good weather.

To answer your last question i dont have Youtube Channel but id love to because i think the game has a huge potencial and here in Portugal no one does TLD videos but unfortunatly my internet connection is bad.

I saw some of your videos and Accurize to, nice job and thank´s for some good moments!!!

And dont take me wrong i still love the game just need to be more challenged by the game to keep me playing it if you know what i mean.

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Living on only TM, with its loot will let you live for at least 500 days, and indeed, most of the times is easy. The question is.... are the player is kind of new and not bored with game, or the player is a veteran. If player is new, then yeah can go for 500+ days and what not. For a veteran player every new sandbox is ~10-20 hours of gameplay, to explore the map fully, and then boredom sets in because mechanics are known, other maps been visited before and blah blah blah. There is literally nothing to do in tm for me, because i explored everything and know map basically in and out. I'm definitely not playing hibernation style anymore because its dumb. At a moment i cant force myself to play the game no more.

To get food you dont even need a bow, nor rifle... on the crystal lake food is for free. only thing is matches, because there is only one report of person finding a magny glass in tm. still smartly using matches, and few strikers will last you easily till day 500 if not 1000. And all hatchets, knifes and hacksaws can be used for meat harvesting only. no need to chop wood since there is bunch of sticks around the mountaineers hut. So basically once tools are gone, still can harvest bare handed right when kill is fresh, or if its frozen light a fire. I personally would save matches, only for cooking food. I probably would just harvest bare handed for 2-3 hours, it would give me like 4kg of venison, that will last me 10 days or so, by that time new deer would spawn and cycle continues. Also would steer dear to wolf when its mid of the day, or towards the end of the day when the possibility of high winds or blizzards is lowest, so while harvesting 2-3 hours at once, wont get into a bad situation.

I agre with every single word you said man,that Wolf/Dear Combo near the Hut is to OP for me to because you dont need either a bullet or a arrow and its every 4 or 5 days.

I m not a Veteran but i already mastered the game and his mechanics, and now i get bored after start a run and loot all the map because thers no big Challenge after that only managing the matches, the firestrikers and getting the One With Nature assigment on Steam lol.

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I m not a Veteran but i already mastered the game and his mechanics, and now i get bored after start a run and loot all the map because thers no big Challenge after that only managing the matches, the firestrikers and getting the One With Nature assigment on Steam lol.

If you're looking for a challenge, well here's a chance to test how well you mastered the game:


Good luck on beating the top time ;)

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I m not a Veteran but i already mastered the game and his mechanics, and now i get bored after start a run and loot all the map because thers no big Challenge after that only managing the matches, the firestrikers and getting the One With Nature assigment on Steam lol.

If you're looking for a challenge, well here's a chance to test how well you mastered the game:


Good luck on beating the top time ;)

That´s a nice one but i was talking in in game challenges, and that type of challenge(timed challenge) can be won just by luck...and skills to but...

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I know what you mean, the game is no longer the challenge it used to be pre v200 and alot of players are or have been complaining about it (me myself in countless threads ;)). Two things changed this for me recently: trying to start out and survive in Stalker TWM without knowing anything about the map and the challenge I've linked.

I haven't had such a blast with TLD in a long time, taking risks, constantly living outside any comfort zone, decisions with real (deadly) impact and threads from all sides, like it used to be when you couldn't loot and bear-kill your way until day 10000 plus the added pressure of time, which is somewhat contrary to what you'd normally do in TLD, which sole purpose is to "waste" as much time as possible. You will have to think and behave completely different than what you're used to, it's almost like a playing a new game.

Yes luck is a factor if you go for the best time, but settle to make it in 3 days and luck will play little to no role anymore.

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Ya TM is easy once you learn, or like most of the people on this site, google the map. Also matches can be found in cargo containers, which is surprising to ear that you don't know that yet claim to have mastered the map. Also, TC, your trolling is obvious, go troll another forum.

I mentioned the matches in my Big RE: to Willowest.

I know its long but its there..

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I know what you mean, the game is no longer the challenge it used to be pre v200 and alot of players are or have been complaining about it (me myself in countless threads ;)). Two things changed this for me recently: trying to start out and survive in Stalker TWM without knowing anything about the map and the challenge I've linked.

I haven't had such a blast with TLD in a long time, taking risks, constantly living outside any comfort zone, decisions with real (deadly) impact and threads from all sides, like it used to be when you couldn't loot and bear-kill your way until day 10000 plus the added pressure of time, which is somewhat contrary to what you'd normally do in TLD, which sole purpose is to "waste" as much time as possible. You will have to think and behave completely different than what you're used to, it's almost like a playing a new game.

Yes luck is a factor if you go for the best time, but settle to make it in 3 days and luck will play little to no role anymore.

I completly agre with some of your words, but when you know all the maps in an out... you can ´t take the memory erase pill :)

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in my few runs, i actually always found at least 2 rifles in TM.

I admit, i sort of made a mistake, coming to TM prepared, but thats only a minor mistake, because if i started a fresh run in tm, i only would of milked few extra playing gaming hours.

Honestly, most crucial and needed loot is right near mountaineers hut... clothing and food. After you tear down not needed stuff and fix the best ones, usually end up with +11 and +7 bonus warmth, thats pretty decent. 1-2 hours in-game time of a stroll right around hut gives ~50-80 sticks.

i actually got to know approximately 80% of the map, without looking at community made maps. When i started tm run, even before i reached day 2, had +11 and +7 clothing, bunch of sticks in case of blizzard and what not, had rifle, hatchet. I then knew that its game over. Honestly i wish there were cargo only at the summit, and also much less of it... then tm would be such a nice and challenging map.

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To be honest I think TWM is the best map so far and is generally harder than the others because it forces you to move around a lot and spend time outside due to the rope obstacles rather than having a bunch of places to loot right on your doorstep.

Hinterland really had a good idea with the rope climbing because it adds pacing and extra time to your journey (unless you drink coffee like a crazy man).

But I still have to agree with you, it is still too easy. I hated picking up cured hides, having so much food around (my cabin on crystal lake is chockablock full of food), being able to make such a fast route to the summit after learning how to use the ropes etc.

What I keep saying would solve this problem for everyone is if Hinterland gave us difficulty sliders that lets us control how much loot, what quality it is, animal quantity etc. That would give this game so much replay value and keep it fun for years, even for veterans.

Hinterland said they would think about difficulty sliders :? But here's hoping they do actually do it!

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But I still have to agree with you, it is still too easy. I hated picking up cured hides, having so much food around (my cabin on crystal lake is chockablock full of food), being able to make such a fast route to the summit after learning how to use the ropes etc.

What I keep saying would solve this problem for everyone is if Hinterland gave us difficulty sliders that lets us control how much loot, what quality it is, animal quantity etc. That would give this game so much replay value and keep it fun for years, even for veterans.

Hinterland said they would think about difficulty sliders :? But here's hoping they do actually do it!

There is so much of everything once tm is looted. Hut looks like a warehouse of wallmart lol. bunch of rifles, hatchets, and whatever you wanna name it :)

And yeah there is super fast way with 4 rope climbs, to summit and back, with shortcut ropes established.

I do not know about sliders, i have suggested a stacks of sticks (20,50,75,100)... this is probably like 5 minutes of coding for devs, and that idea was very popular, yet its still not implemented. At least they finally implemented notes/diary, which i think was my idea as well.

I dont think they gonna make super extra difficulty, because from statistic point of view, i believe only few % plays stalker, so for hinterland i believe its not worth it to create a special difficulty level for those 1-2% of players. So i guess sliders would be a better idea which would cover all the players.

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