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Hey lads,

Thank you for finally putting out a decent survival game! I've delved head first and loving every sphincter clenching moment. I've read through the forum and saw some pretty good points and as always, since this is the internet, I'm going to add my 2 cents.


I'm not sure what Hinterlands stance is in regards to keeping everything somewhat authentic; but, I am an avid outdoorsman and I happen to have lived and guided in northern canada (bc to be exact) There are a few points I'd like to bring up;

1.) I can only name 2 areas in all of B.C that have smallmouth bass in the lakes, they don't fare well in cold weather temps. If you want to keep it accurate to the region you are portraying; The lake species would be rainbow trout, lake trout, bull trout, arctic grayling and walleye. Trout being the most abundant species that can withstand the long frozen winters. I just got a chuckle when I was pulling a warm water fish out of a cold lake in the middle of a frozen wasteland.

2.) Keeping meat - As a guide, I've spent alot of time in the bush with limited resources trying to keep meat decently fresh, in summer. I've had a haunch last over 2 weeks thats been hung, bled and salt cured (in the shade). I was a little dumbfounded to see meat start to spoil in under 4 days in -1 conditions. In a game. I can see a balance issue, making the game too easy if people can keep meat almost indefinitely if they just leave it outside.. in the frozen snow

My suggestion would be to toss a script that would bring more wolves and a chance for a bear to spawn to make it realistic and make people work for that kill. A northern wolf will weigh anywhere from 80-220 lbs on the extreme side... where a deer can yield up to 300-600 lbs of meat...

I was surprised to see a wolf just meander within 40 yds of a kill and saunter away because it didn't spot me and his bleeding, skinned buddy. So the AI could definitely use an upgrade.

3.) Temporary or Survival structures.

A tarp is something I never leave home without. Just in case. Again I was surprised at the lack of this (Alpha phase, I know) Possible for the future I hope?

4.) Moving animal corpses - Hard to do by hand, sleds, ropes and pully systems a possibility? Skinning a buck in the middle of a frozen lake during a blizzard.. is .. suicide (I nearly died trying to grab some meat, it was either death by starvation or freezing to death at that point)

Game Mechanics

1.) Cancel actions - A MUST! I had one death due to fishing myself to death.. I didn't realize I was freezing already and started fishing for 8 hours... Although, That is what I consider a good way to go ;)

2.) Kero Lamps. I've got one that I bring with me camping/fishing/hunting all the time. No way it burns 1 liter of kerosene in an hour or so. Try over a 8-12 hour period. You can balance this by the quantity and availbility of it.

3.) Harvest. Please allow us to harvest fat off of bears! It is possible to make candles from bear fat! As well as a good coating to beat the windchill on your gear if your out in the boonies.

4.) Rope and Pully systems - This would be amazing in the future... Creating a tree cache of food, weapons and clothing in case something happens... being able to move a carcass into a good windbreak to harvest it.... All of these.. Plus, its a pretty essential survival skill to know how to do these sort of things....

5.) Its been said.. but I'll beat the dead horse. The amount of time and calories that you expend to harvest an effing BRANCH is insane. I pass over them when I'm walking around.. You lose way too much body heat as well for busting them apart.

Everything you guys have done here is pretty accurate. I am absolutely stoked for the game and seeing how it progresses!

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Welcome - glad to see that you are enjoying TLD as much as we are!

Currently there are some pretty fierce opinions about how Stalker mode works with the abundance of Wolves. If you're armed and are a decent shot - too many Wolves inverse the difficulty of the mode.

What do I mean by this?

You survive off the carcass of the thing that tries to kill you. The more Wolves that attack, the more food you get when you kill them. I actually ran out of storage space at Lone Lake Cabin for Wolf Meat on a Stalker run...

There are also some valid points you've made about calorie burn. We can only wait till the full release to see what the Devs intend to do with it.

Again, welcome!

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+1 on the THANK YOU! This game is straight up awesome! I am also an avid outdoorsman (though I'm from Colorado not Canada), and I would like to echo (and also touch up) a couple of these points...

Keeping meat - As a guide, I've spent alot of time in the bush with limited resources trying to keep meat decently fresh

I agree! A few tweaks to make it possible to better preserve and store food would be epic! Freezing, salting, smoking or otherwise drying, etc. I am already envisioning using the small space in the ruined shed across from the Trapper's Homestead cabin as a meat locker! :D

A northern wolf will weigh anywhere from 80-220 lbs on the extreme side... where a deer can yield up to 300-600 lbs of meat...

I have NO IDEA what kind of hulking mutant deer that would be, but I would say an experienced field guide would be fortunate to get even 120 pounds of meat off something like a caribou! The deer in the game seem to be about that size... bigger than mulies, but smaller than elk. The most I ever managed off a mule deer was from a 7/6 buck, and it was still under 70 pounds...

3.) Temporary or Survival structures.

A tarp is something I never leave home without. Just in case. Again I was surprised at the lack of this (Alpha phase, I know) Possible for the future I hope?


Moving animal corpses - Hard to do by hand, sleds, ropes and pully systems a possibility?

+1 How about a craftable travois?! I requested this in another thread ("Ski Cart" one), but may even start one. In this survival scenario, it would be one of the first things I would make once I had a hatchet.

+1 for most of the game mechanics stuff as well. I will chip in here that a SAVE function would be pretty awesome. I hate quitting and wondering where I'll start, and what I'll have to do again, and when the dinner bell rings, I don't always have time to sleep!

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70 lbs fully dressed right? Yeah you are right. 600 lbs is a hulking mutant. I may or may not have been drunk when posting that information lmao.

Considering the average weight of a deer is 140 lbs lol.


Never drink and Internet kids.


Yes. Judging from the time and date, I was indeed in the bag.

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I understand what you are saying

However, I am a little bit puzzled by preserving the meat. You can just freeze it in the cold outside (only real risk is some animal eating it, but this is avoided by putting it in a building or area of a building that isn't routinely heated)

Additionally, whatever technique is used to preserve the meat, it's going to be inferior to modern vacuum packing, canning, and the like. So once your meat is preserved by the survivor, do you expect it to last as long as a can of condensed milk? Or last indefinitely.

I get that the food you find has been designed to degrade for game balance reasons, but I think the real solution is to include some found foods that degrade at rates fast, medium, low, never. Then once that is done it would be simple to add ways of treating fresh meat in ways that would move it from fast degrade to low degrade.

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I found the bass a bit odd too (If you read the in-game description for rainbow trout you'll probably chuckle too... unless they have changed it.), but there's been discussion about narrowing down the location of the game in this thread, and the general consensus based on various things (landscape, fish species, tree species .. ) is northern Vancouver Island.. Hinterland's backyard basically.

Not exactly northern Canada ;) and the climate is not right either, but that can perhaps be chalked up to something in the backstory (we'd have to wait and see). Essentially, there's nowhere that matches the games in all aspects, but the island is a pretty good match. This also fits the lack of grizzly bears and showshoe hare.

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