Sleep without a bedroll


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A bedroll should not be required to sleep. However, lack of a bedroll should certainly have an effect on all the health factors, and obviously depending on where someone sleeps. (I made the stupid mistake of forgetting the bedroll in a cabin, but I also do not understand why I cannot take the blankets off the beds that do have them or not be able to take apart mattresses and blankets to make clothes/sleeping bags/etc etc).

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I agree. I saw the bulletinboards in cabin and thought ' I should be able to chop that into 1 reclaimed wood and many tinders!'

I saw extra beds and thought I should be able to chop them like chairs into a little bit of wood, a fair amount of cloth, some tinders, and some junk metal! (bed springs should make nice fish hooks!) But you are right, chop up bed should result in reclaimed wood, a little bit of cloth, BEDROLL (made from the blankets) some tinders and some junk metal. If you want more cloth, you then turn bedroll into cloth.

I see rug on floor and think 'CLOTH'

of course I also think 'why can't I wear two sweaters? two long underwear? two socks?..Obviously 1 boots, but otherwise, double up!

I also thought 'let me put bedroll (quality sleeping bag I think) on this bed that only has 1 thin blanket, best warmth ever!. Mistake. Is not cumulative or even partially cumulative.

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I don't know about chopping up beds, but I do agree that it would be good to be able to sleep without the bedroll, if only when the character is exhausted. It wouldn't give you any temperature bonus (maybe even reduce temperature if it was outside) and maybe wouldn't allow condition % to restore, but it would be a nice addition.

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Both valid and painfully obvious points. I have raised the point about chopping up the environment elsewhere before. It makes absolutely no sense to me running around chopping up limbs when you can just use a crowbar and take apart piers, benches, porch railings and burned down cabins. Not to mention all the other buildings and furniture that cannot be interacted with...

Edit: But let's face it: The engine will never be able to do this, so let's forget about it...

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