The option to capture.


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We already have snares. A snare to capture isn't that much different, it's just a matter of size and what you use for the loop. The snares automatically kill rabbits right now, but imagine what you could do if a wolf caught it's leg in a snare and survived?

You keep tossing him meat, and eventually, you've tamed a wolf. Snare up game, fetch rabbits, lead you out of blizzards, provide warmth...

Tame three, and you can pull a sled in the snow!

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That..... isn't how domestication works. "Domestication" isn't just behavior modification, it is actually genetic, and takes multiple generations. The Domestication of dogs took thousands of years

Wolves, AFAIK, CANT be domesticated. They can be dominated, but not fully domesticated like dogs can.

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Trap a wolf nonlethally, then release it, and it will do one of two things:

1) Run away instantly

2) attack you instantly.

Yes, animals, especially predators like wolves, are intelligent. That doesn't mean they are friendly. You aren't going to "team up" with a wolf.

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It might be possible to tame a wolf if you get it as a pup, but probably not an adult you find in one of your traps. As much as I can understand some people's desire for a companion, I would not advocate for it being a wolf, much less a bear, deer or rabbit. A dog would be cool, but think of the resources in terms of programming time that would have to go into that single feature, and whether these resources would not achieve more if invested in other game features.

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That..... isn't how domestication works. "Domestication" isn't just behavior modification, it is actually genetic, and takes multiple generations. The Domestication of dogs took thousands of years

Wolves, AFAIK, CANT be domesticated. They can be dominated, but not fully domesticated like dogs can.

Wolves can be "domesticated" and by that I mean making the wolf friendly to the person feeding it but the trick is to capture the wolf when it is only a pup and feed it care for it for a prolonged period of time till it grows up then it will not attack you, but other people are still a target. I have a friend that does exactly that every year steal a pup raises it and after a while let's it go in the wilderness again since wolves are endangered species in my country.

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