Game Breaking Bug, Stuck in Tail Section


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I am on a 2550+ day run which I have streamed every second of on Twitch.

Today I made it to the tail section on the summit of Timberwolf Mountain.

While searching containers I got stuck behind a metal container. There seems to be no way out. I stupidly placed my bedroll to see if when I slept and awoke it would position me outside of the small area where I am stuck. All this did was seal my fate as I now cannot legitimately quit and load my last save which would have been outside of the tail section.

Here is a screen shot of where I hope I do not have to die. Please fix this somehow by perhaps removing the metal box or allowing a character to walk over or around it.

?id=584675661 ... =584675661

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I recreated the issue and got stuck in the same way. My character was able to walk across the Metal Container from one direction but not the other. Here are more screenshots:



I'm invested in this bug being fixed because I'm a codependent player and only play while ThresholdSeven streams. I've seen the official Hinterland's twitter support him by sending out links to his twitch stream so hopefully the team here also has a vested interest in restoring his ability to play. Really hoping this gets resolved, quickly.

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Let me be the bad guy.

I do not think that length of game or popularity of player deserve any special attention here. Solution was simple, quit and reload from an unstuck location. But missed that opportunity and now out of options. Second solution is restart. Yes its a glitch that needs to be fixed, but hotfixed?!? No.

Frankly, I would be more impressed if you were here and then continued to survive after only 3 days of play. Continuing to survive after 30 days of play is far less impressive. Continuing to survive after 300 days exponentially so. Continuing to survive after 3000 days would hardly seem any challenge at all. I look forward to seeing your name on the leaderboard.

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I don't think a hotfix is in order just for me and never assumed it would be, but this problem obviously needs to be fixed and I wanted to bring attention to it and just hope that when the next update is rolled out that this will be on the list.

I could easily just continue to play on another save slot, but this bug just sapped my morale. I'm not whining, (maybe a little) but I'll just take this opportunity to play other games. I'm already thinking about starting a new run for fun and the challenge of starting anew.

You're not being a bad guy (selfless), but I understand your viewpoint. I did add "I've streamed all 2500 days" like I'm special or something to the OP. That was probably a pointless thing to add, but I was frustrated. The bottom line is that this is a pretty serious bug and it most definitely will be changed for everyone's good, especially now that it is proven to be easily repeatable.

Other people who have got stuck elsewhere (evident from other forum posts about people getting stuck elsewhere) make the same stupid move I did by trying to sleep to get out of it and consequently seal their fate. The fact that I did that makes me more livid than the bug itself and all I can do it flog myself, but that doesn't make the bug any less serious.

I'll be patient and wait for whenever the regular bundle patch is rolled out and I may start a new run in the mean time because I do love playing this game whether it is on day one or day 2000.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it seems that the hot fix today might have removed the metal container in the tail section so noone can get stuck there anymore (unless it always has a chance to randomly not spawn there, I'm not sure containers even have a random location spawn chance), but it didn't remove the container from my long game save so I'm still stuck.

I started a new run on a different slot and am about 70 days in and when I finally reached the tail section on the summit I found the metal container that blocked me in on the other save no longer there. I started the new run about a week ago, so I'm not sure if the container was there when I started and then disappeared with this hot fix, or if it was never there (meaning that it has a random chance to spawn there) Can any players or devs confirm this?

I'd like some kind of feedback on this so I have a better idea what to do. Am I out of luck because even if the area is fixed so people can no longer get stuck in it I'll still be stuck because it will only fix new games and not old game saves (games that have been going on since before the last few major patches)? I'm not sure why that would be because other updates change many things in my game save that is months old.

Should I wait for a fix or is my only hope to die or to fly hack out of the stuck area?

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I haven't seen anyone from Hinter reply(?). Did I miss something. I hope that they fix it for you ThresholdSeven. I was watching you on my Nvidia Shield TV and wanted to warn you against the bedroll but only had a remote control keyboard that sucks and didn't allow me to type fast enough....I did screamed NOOOOOOO really loudly though...just in case you were living in my local neighborhood and heard me...guess

Sorry are an inspiration.

Later, in the Twitch chat, I typed that they would most likely do a hotfix for you and you clearly stated that you didn't think they don't seem like the type of person who would expect that.

However, I wish that they would though as I was actually enjoying watching you more than I enjoy playing the game myself. I honestly am tired of the game after surviving almost 200 days (not enough to keep me interested and the way that they set up the regions...being connected by linear paths just blows the immersion for me) but for some reason, I enjoy watching you play. Good luck!!!!

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Thanks Mr_1975, Maybe it will be fixed or maybe I'll find a way out myself. I'll definitely continue to play one way or the other especially when new content is released.

Hello there,

Obviously this is frustrating and I'm sorry this popped up for you. The team was on holiday until this week and we're catching up with everything. It's been forwarded to the tech team.

Thanks for your patience.


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Hello there,

Obviously this is frustrating and I'm sorry this popped up for you. The team was on holiday until this week and we're catching up with everything. It's been forwarded to the tech team.

Thanks for your patience.


Thanks a bunch for looking into it. I really appreciate it and look forward to more fun in the snow whether or not I can continue my long run.

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