Repairable Sewing Kits


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Since they are both random and so desperately important to long-term survival, I think it would be great if Sewing Kits were repairable. You could add a resource to, say, salvaged clothing items only: thread. For 1 thread and 1 scrap metal (needles), you could restore 35% of a Sewing Kit's efficiency, for example. Or you could possibly just use the existing "hook and line" mechanic employed to craft fishing tackle, and save a step…though I think the more diversity there is in materials and applications, the better the game… ;)

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Doesn't it usually take a stitching awl for sewing leather, rather than an ordinary needle? Since all the fabric clothing goes out the window after about 20 days anyway, wouldn't it be an idea to make a crafted awl (just like hook, we could even use the hook) for making/repairing the crafted clothing?

It makes sense, too. For repairing ordinary clothes, you need a needle and thread (aka sewing kit) and Cloth as a resource. When fixing crafted clothes, don't you need hide/fur/pelt and gut? So if the gut provides the thread, what exactly are you using up?

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If we can harvest "thread" from say, a sock, I'd be inclined to believe that harvesting thread from that sock would probably take me....8 hours. Probably longer.

I'm all for harvesting thread from clothing IF the amount of time it takes to do so is implemented realistically.

After all, it's the simulated realism that drew me to this game and is what sets it apart from every single other game out there.

On a weird side note, now I'm kind of tempted to take an old sock and see how long it actually takes me to harvest thread from it.

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Or you could craft fishing kits and use those to repair/ craft clothes... That's already in the game btw.

Didn't know that! Although both that and my notion do not lead to infinite supply - there is a limit on Scrap Metal, ultimately.

Bone needles might be cool…! ;)


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