Torches and Lanterns Could Sputter Before Going Out


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+1 (though much less necessary for matches, as you already have the graphical representation showing you how far down it has burned)

This was on my list of things to post about. The sudden cut off of light is both annoying and jarring from an immersion standpoint.

Knowing it may take some resources for the graphical representation of such, perhaps as a short term solution there could be a small HUD icon added to the others, that comes up when your light source is below 5%? (Obviously based on fuel and not durability for lanterns)

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I would +1 the light and sound effect of a dying light source at 1% or 2%.

I would -1 the HUD indicator for low fuel. No need for redundancy, and light/sound is more immersive.

I would also -1 keeping the fuel indicator on the HUD. If you want to check how much fuel is left, that is an active process IRL so should be an active process in game as well.

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Note: I agree that I'd rather have the sound and light effect, than a HUD indicator. Again my suggestion in that direction was only for a "short term solution", knowing that the graphical/sound design and development resources might not get around to that right away -- and I'd rather have a quick and easy HUD indicator while waiting for the real / long term solution.

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What the lantern does on light is nothing like what it should do when it runs out of fuel (lanterns like that dim, then dim some more, and then sputter for a brief moment at the end - but that sputter is between 0% and 10% light, not between 0% and 100% like when you light it) --- flare and torch would act similarly in a way, but not so much so that there wouldn't be complaints if they just "copied" the same look and feel between all three.

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