Caves are nearly invisible


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I'm playing the Pleasant Valley map in Pilgrim Mode now, and I've noticed that even with a map I borrowed from the internet next to my desktop, it's quite easy to overlook a cave.

The other day, I managed to walk past a cave three times before getting to an angle where I spotted it.

Now, considering in this game the weather can turn on you in a heartbeat, with detrimental effects to health and clothing, and considering the fact the caves basically substitute houses in the PV map, I feel the devs might want to make it a little easier to spot a cave from a distance.

I mean: what are you guys trying to do here? Get us killed?

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I can spot a cabin from dozens of yards away, but walk straight past a cave three times even though I know - based on the map - where to find it.

Remember: it's a game, so it's meant to be playable. I assume those caves have a function: they can't perform that function if the player can hardly find them.

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You have suggestions?

Different color? "Hollow" wind echoes? Wooden signs on posts with arrows? Dancing bear with indian headdress?

Presently cave walls and floors are made of rock, and they are hollowed out of rock. So they look like rock, inside rock. Technically I guess you can never see the cave itself. Just the rock it is hollowed out from...

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I had the same issue. I actually walked into a cave once just trying to huddle next to the wall for shelter. Over time, I got used to it. Glare on your monitor of even the least amount makes them impossible to see - the contrast is really the issue - black against black. Turn your head or monitor from side to side when exploring and then they sort of appear and you can see them from at least a bit away. Meanwhile, any light brown roof or wooden structure can be seen down to the pixel from almost half a map away. Don't think the design was meant to be so dramatically different.

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