No re-entry to Carter Hydro Dam door leading to Carter River


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There is an EXIT DOOR in the Carter Hydro Dam that has no handle on the outside (the caption reads "Carter River". Yet, there is no way to know that once you exit said door you CANNOT get back inside! There should be a notification sign stating that if you exit said door, (since it's in a hydro plant) that there is no re-entry. Or at the very least, be able to somehow get back in the building.

Not notifying the player that a door in front of them does not allow re-entry into a building, while realistic, should at least having a warning in-game or by game caption by the door. Some kind of warning to the player.

It was a pitch black windy night and during a blizzard when I was unfortunate enough to walk through this door that happened to be a one-way exit door. Once you walk through said door, you cannot get back inside the building. There's no door handle for re-entry! Please fix and/or explain reason for this.

Please fix this door at the CARTER HYDRO DAM leading to CARTER RIVER.



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Once you walk through said door, you cannot get back inside the building. There's no door handle for re-entry! Please fix and/or explain reason for this.

There's nothing to fix, it's by design.

There's a separate entrance to get back inside. You'll have to search around to locate it.

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Once you walk through said door, you cannot get back inside the building

There's a separate entrance to get back inside. You'll have to search around to locate it.

When this initially happened, I thought that I was condemned to die! Watching your meters raise one by one until The Long Dark comes a knockin''s horrifying. Worse than zombies because of the negative suspense. Thanks for clearing that up. I still say that a warning sign should be on the door for the player to "see".

OSHA! Occupational Safety Hazard Association :shock: would say, "put a sign up or get fined!" (just a guess). I know that it's a game, but just have a bloody laugh w/ me! :mrgreen:

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