Compasses, rope, and a couple other things


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Two things that I'd like to see are compasses and rope.

I'm thinking that the geomagnetic storm might have been the Earth's magnetic poles flipping (again.) This would make compasses read incorrectly, but consistently. Snowstorm navigation is pretty bad. The basic compass could be unreadable in the dark. The nice compass could have glow in the dark paint (this is a real thing, and does not require radioactive paint.)

Rope could either be found, or created by using strings at the workbench.

Rope could then be used to allow us to drag deer and wolf carcasses.

Allow us to move fire barrels, empty lockers, and the smallest beds with rope.

Pallets and burned down houses could be broken down into boards and nails.

Hatchets can be used as hammers (most of them have a flat back edge)

Boards + nails + hatchets can be used to make a cot. Add cloth to make a bed. Add animal hides of various types to make and maintain a comfy bed. Bear hides would count a lot towards maintaining the bed, rabbit hides very little.

Stones might be collectable from the ground near avalanches or burnt down houses with chimneys, and usable to create crude stoves that are a little better than fire barrels.

Stones + boards + nails + hatchet = walls in caves.

All of these things together would allow people to find a nice cave somewhere, drag a fire barrel, a few lockers, and a simple bed there. Then, improvements.

Build a wall, with a door taken from a building.

Build a stove that is better than a fire barrel.

Build a better bed.

Home, sweet home. There are a couple caves I can think of off the top of my head that I'd like to be able to build in. The cave in the ravine, for example.

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Complex? Heh.

I have to admit that I have been playing a game called Wurm Online off and on for quite a few years now. My standards for games with crafting in them is rather high. Wurm has, hands down, the best crafting system in any MMO game that has ever existed. It puts the now-defunct Star Wars Galaxies completely to shame.

I do not expect Hinterland to create a crafting game equivalent to Wurm. But I would love the ability to shape the environment at least enough to build a place to live in a cave, and be able to move animal corpses around so I can take them somewhere safer to process them.

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Personally if we cant move the carcass I'd at least like to protect it or be protected.. I had a crazy idea that involved either shattered glass jars. Spread the glass around you animals step on it and yeah..

Or reclaimed wood and scrap metal/nails for a "spike strip" could be placed around the carcass or around your front door/sleeping area.

Or even adding springs as a salvage option when taking apart chairs! Either break em Down into scrap or use them to make a "spring loaded spike strip" aka makeshift bear trap?

Back onto topic now. As for building shelters, walls or other living arrangements. Right near the carter hydro dam There Is a tent looking structure Along the right Wall ( if your looking at the door ) id love to see somthing lime This That we Can use

+1 for the flip flopped Compass

+ 1 for rope and or climbing gear

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