ADD SNOWSHOES; snow depth;ICICLE weapon


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Please add the ability to craft SNOW SHOES in order to navigate the snowy environment. This would add to the PRESERVATION of worn shoes so they'd not break down as quickly, but also increase traverse speed in snow. Please also consider adding DEPTH to snow as in meters/inches. That way you could become waist deep in snow! ADD an icicle weapon for those who do NOT have a hunting knife. This would allow a player to defend against wolf packs right from the start! Icicles would melt overtime, including snow depth.

SNOW LEVELS would increase after a blizzard, and/or melt over time.



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+1 for snow shoes, and for trying out a snow depth mechanic (which you'd see through its effect in reducing travelling speed and increasing fatigue e.g. wading is slow, hard work? Potentially dangerous if trying to sprint away). It could be a random event like tripping and falling, or monitored continuously like temperature and wind chill.

Combining snow depth with a 'wet' indicator that reduces your clothing warmth until drying out by a fire could also be very interesting, especially now that we have the potential for hypothermia :twisted:

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+1 for snow shoes, and for trying out a snow depth mechanic (which you'd see through its effect in reducing travelling speed and increasing fatigue e.g. wading is slow, hard work? Potentially dangerous if trying to sprint away). It could be a random event like tripping and falling, or monitored continuously like temperature and wind chill.

Combining snow depth with a 'wet' indicator that reduces your clothing warmth until drying out by a fire could also be very interesting, especially now that we have the potential for hypothermia :twisted:

What about finding a pair of skis?

That would enable the player to practically glide across the snow or so I'm thinking? In any case, moving across the snow would be easier using snow shoes and/or skies rather than walking.

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+1 for snowshoes!

I don't really need a snow depth mechanic. (It would be nice, but I know they're not going to implement it)

For me it would be fine if they set the walking speed back like it was before v256. It was slower, and I liked that way. And if you wearing the snowshoes, then the walking speed would be the same as in the current v256 version.

I just like to craft something to spend some time. Few saplings, a lot of guts and a lot of time to craft it.

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  • 1 month later...

Playing the game recently and doing some long range scout/looting, I noticed the snow travel cross country can be slow at times. My thoughts:

Snow Shoes!

Personally, this would be a high priority gear item I would find, or make myself, if I was in these survival settings. The real world application of snow shoes in an environment similar to this are huge, it helps people travel through deep snow and significantly reduces energy expenditure when moving around.

My thoughts about In game snow shoes and their functions:

First off, the shoes could be actual equipment some finds (similar to clothing) or the shoes could be made from parts (like deer skin boots). If added to the game, materials that could make the shoes are already in game and consist of:




The effects of the shoes could also have varying implications depending on what the developers want. Examples I've thought up so far are that while wearing the snow shoes the person gains a slight movement speed bonus while traveling outside on the snow. Another way they could effect the game is that while being worn, the person uses less calories traveling/running or that the traveling fatigue is reduced on the person.

These were just my thoughts on a new item I would like to see get thrown in eventually. Lemme know if you'd like to see them too, or comment on different ideas about them that you think would work better!

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