Sprained Ankle not a big deal


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Sprained my ankle descending a cliff, as I often do.

Immediately realized "Who cares?" Walking is normal speed now. Exhaustion was already threatening to cut my sprint anyway. Not a disability at all. Decided to "hobble" home and sleep it off.

Then got cheeky and started falling off stuff to see if I could get three sprained ankles :) Only ever got the two, but had to sprain both wrists first. Still no obvious reduction in walk speed and my two limps seem now to be canceling each other. Walk the 2km home, climbing hills up and down, picking firewood as I go. Blizzard rolls in as I catch sight of home. Eat, sleep, cured.

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I agree that the sprained ankle debuff definitely is the least dangerous and most forgiving ailment atm.

However, a rest period of 36 hours seems a bit disproportionate long when compared to the times you need to cure a food poisoning, infection or hypothermia. The time to heal the ankle should imo remain short enough to actually make a conscious decision whether you want to take some painkillers or sleep away your injury. With a rest requirement of more than a whole day, people would most likely always use their painkillers instead of weighing the pros and cons.^^

I'd thus rather prefer to have the walking speed with a sprained ankle reduced to the old walking speed (about 2/3 of the current walking speed) and increase the rest duration just slightly (e.g. to 6 hours).

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It is all fine,untill you get only sprained ankle,when falling or step wrong.Problems start,if you get sprained wrist. :) You can walk to shelter,to oversleep it,but beware,if you need wood or you meet wolf. :) As with sprained wrist you cannot forage wood neither you can hold any weapon to attack and defend yourself. :)

I prefer to use painkiler,if I get both injuries or just sprained wrist. :)

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Agree ankle injury should slow character more. Also reduce weight carry capacity by half.

Two ankles could reduce you to crawling only. That'd be fun...

Or eliminate possibility of two at a time and instead upgrade to condition "broken". Splint (stick plus bandage) required to heal, crutch (any sapling) required to move beyond crawling, longer recovery too.

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I agree with the problem but not the solution so much. I think all the afflictions need two stages, treatment and repair. Right now having the right first aid makes you immune to the affliction. Like for the ankle...let's say treatment gets you walking full speed and maybe able to do a fast hobble instead of sprint. You should still need recuperation time and longer than the couple hours.

This brings me back to wolf attacks...too often and not severe enough...or rather a greater range of severity I think is needed. Which is why I can't really vote on this. I think the whole system needs a different methodology. The ideas are good just the balance and immersion feels off yet.

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As someone who is trying to fight wolves on stalker without a macro, I find not having sprint can be problematic (and you can't hold a weapon if you have a sprained wrist). Getting a sprained ankle and meeting a wolf without a bow, torch, flare or proper decoys can be very problematic.

The developers should increase the rest period to 36 hours

They changed the hypothermia already to reduce it, at least for an experienced player, to almost a meaningless condition. I can understand them not wanting to make things too hard. New players struggle trying to figure out the mechanics without a tutorial or explicit "how to" survival instructions. I suspect 36 hours is well beyond some fun range (though, I think the current time is slightly too short).

Personally, I think a longer time period would be nice on stalker mode.

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Sprained ankles happen way too often to make them require medicine and a lot of rest. While it might be realistic to not be able to heal a sprained ankle in a few hours of sleep, needing 36 hours would make it so much of a nuisance it would definitely not be fun anymore.

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