Character visualization


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Hi everyone, I think it would help immersion if we could see the character from a 3rd person view. I don't mean to play in 3rd person, I'm thinking more of being able to pan out when stopped and having the camera able to move around him/her.

I'm thinking of a few moments when this could be done:

- at daybreak, if awake.

- first time when entering a new map or special building.

- after putting on a newly crafted clothing for the first time.

- after equipping a rifle/bow/knife for the first time.

- first time killing a type of animal

- whenever the players wants by pressing a key.

This means that the character must look different according to what he/she is wearing.

Of course you should be able to turn this off in options.

Great job so far, absolutely love your game.

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  • 4 months later...

Would certainly add something to the game... I can imagine my character walking into a house in a blizzard half frozen, stumbling inside, panting and looking chilled because of it.

Anything and everything that makes you feel like you're there and emphasizes the cold and the struggle is alright by me.

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