6.6 lbs of meat might be a little much.


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So I've been playing this game for about a month now and it hit me like a ton of bricks the other day. I eat about 6.6 pounds of meat to empty my hunger bar and max out my calorie count in one sitting. I don't know who would need to eat 6 pounds of meat to fill up in one sitting. My only guess is the devs wanted it that way to add a degree of difficulty as opposed to realism. Oh did I mention that I usually eat about 6 pounds of meat after sleeping for 7 or 8 hours then having to eat about 6 more pounds of meat before bed after exploring/hunting/scavenging during the day. Just seems a little much to me. Not really a big deal though.

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You must be burning a stack of calories each day. Usually I get away with 1kg =2.2pounds a day. yeah still seems a lot but eh its a game. Also you can go pretty hungry before you begin to suffer.

Try to minimize the weight of the items you carry around = less burning of calories.

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How much calories you burn very much depends on your activity. I've once played in a style I called "lumberjack mode" in which I refused to sleep for more than 10h/day and always foraged wood to pass the time instead. You can burn more than 6000kcal per day this way, thus you'll even have to eat about 7.5kg (~16.5 lbs) of deer meat. Not an efficient way to play ofc, but it's somehow fun to challenge yourself every once in a while (and e.g. keep a fire burning for months).

These high numbers occur because ingame meat has much less calories than real meat (for game balancing reasons). It would most likely disturb the gameplay if you could carry around enough calories to survive for 5 days (of active gameplay) while only carrying a weight of e.g. 4kg. It's already possible to play the game in a very passive and calorie-saving way (even without starvation-hibernation)... just imagine how bad it would be if one deer could supply you for almost a month like in real life.^^

Of course it's "unrealistic" that you can only harvest 10kg of meat from a deer corpse and that said meat only has 800kcal/kg, but it's really better this way for the gaming experience. ;)

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I think the devs opted to make things a bit easier for us, instead of pure realism. They could limit the amount of food you can eat at a time to say 1kg / 2lbs. That would be more realistic, but if you have to consume 6kg / 12lbs a day that would mean having to eat 6 times a day in stead of just twice. I would find it very annoying to have to eat every 2-3 hours so I prefer the less realistic way of eating 3kg / 6lbs in one go.

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Everything you guys are saying is making sense. Fun and playability are way more important to me than total realism anyway. Just was playing the other day and was like "Wow, could I really just sit and eat almost 7 lbs of straight meat?". Gave me a laugh. Once again hats off to the devs of this game. I play on Xbox one and I haven't found a game yet that I've been able to play for more than a couple weeks without getting bored. Can't wait for the story mode to finally come out

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