The Other Islands


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I've seen the detailed maps of the Coastal Highway such as this:

However it does appear to be very accurate/updated since there are smaller islands next to Misanthrope's Homestead and Jackrabbit Island, especially where the latter connects to the Fishing Camp. In addition it's missing "The Tooth".

Does anyone have an updated more accurate map?

Has anyone been able to travel to these two other islands that are not on the map? ( view from Misanthrope's Homestead )

I see the warnings about the thin ice on the map but it appears where they are drawn it is not next to the shoreline where if the map is accurate ( I fear it's not ) one could travel to these other two islands. Has anyone here been able to go to them? Is there anything there? Do you fall through the ice and die or is it variable where sometimes you get soaked and have limited time to escape freezing to death by getting to shelter or building a fire? I don't want to lose my progress by foolishly exploring these places I see so I'm hoping someone has more information. Thanks.

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Has anyone been able to travel to these two other islands that are not on the map? ( view from Misanthrope's Homestead )

I've tried it from various different angles, but always ended up with "thin ice" warnings and had to abort the attempt. It would be very cool if we could use one of the newly added rowboats to go to these Islands at some future point.

@Majales: Are you sure we're all talking about the same Islands?^^

If yes, I'll definitely have to search more thoroughly for a path! :)

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