Bug in transfer pass.


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I was spending the night in the car on the road leading to forsaken,during a very thick snowfall.  Yet I managed to read a book through most of the night until roughly around 3am..   I did get out the car briefly and could've sworn I heard the Aurora ,very faintly ..   I'm wondering if there was an Aurora in forsaken and because I wasn't too far away from the entrance that that's why it allowed me to read.   Just out of curiosity though I tried mapping but it said it was too dark..

Anyone else noticed something like this?

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2 minutes ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

This is not exclusive to transfer pass 

Sometimes the game will allow you to repair clothes, read, craft, etc outside at night for no apparent reason, this happens in all regions.
You can only map during nighttime if there's a full active aurora

I find it extremely unlikely that the game simulates weather in other regions that you're not in, and if it does then it most definitely doesn't affect your current weather. Weather is this game works in a simple way, it randomly generates a list of weather patterns 1-4 items long, then the weather plays out, and when it's done another list is rolled again.

For example the game might roll something like this:

  • snowfall light (2hrs)
  • snowfall heavy (2hrs)
  • Blizzard (3hrs)
  • snowfall light (1.5hrs)

And when it's done, it will reroll a new list, with the first weather being similar to the last weather

  • Fog light (2.5hrs)
  • Clear sky (4 hrs)

And then another list, and so on

Time duration for the weather is also randomly generated anywhere from 2-4 hours or so, but this depends on your settings as well


It was thick snowfall all night,and most of the next morning....   I know it's a bit touch and go as to when you can read but in my experience that's usually only when it's a cloudless night..


3 minutes ago, Sebastian1992 said:

No, but we can only read by night, without a blizzard or thick fog. Are you sure you heard a aurora?

I definitely heard it ,but it was very quiet..  

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24 minutes ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

Well I'm sometimes able to read at night during fog or snowfall outside, although it's not consistent, so idk what to say

Also the cut off for daytime light is always at the same time, and it happens here


Thank you...   It was after that phase though... But I do seem to get weird one off bugs .. 

That same run has been really laggy as well.

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On 4/22/2024 at 2:52 PM, Leeanda said:

I was spending the night in the car on the road leading to forsaken,during a very thick snowfall.  Yet I managed to read a book through most of the night until roughly around 3am..   I did get out the car briefly and could've sworn I heard the Aurora ,very faintly ..   I'm wondering if there was an Aurora in forsaken and because I wasn't too far away from the entrance that that's why it allowed me to read.   Just out of curiosity though I tried mapping but it said it was too dark..

Anyone else noticed something like this?

Sometimes you can read but not mapping. Sometimes is to dark to break a chair but you can read tho. I dont really know what game considers too dark. Is quite random already for me.

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2 hours ago, Prometeu said:

Sometimes you can read but not mapping. Sometimes is to dark to break a chair but you can read tho. I dont really know what game considers too dark. Is quite random already for me.

It is a bit random ... I could maybe have understood being able to read if it was a clear night but it was snowing quite heavily all the way through.

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25 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

It is a bit random ... I could maybe have understood being able to read if it was a clear night but it was snowing quite heavily all the way through.

I love when is clear night full moon. But can't read because is too dark... I mean I have visibility for 500 meters or more but cant read a book in my hands theoretically...

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Prometeu said:

I love when is clear night full moon. But can't read because is too dark... I mean I have visibility for 500 meters or more but cant read a book in my hands theoretically...

Maybe a new feat, something like night owl.. let's you read, map ,break down furniture and some crafting in the dark.

I love it too, I spend quite some time watching the stars twinkle away😊

Edited by Leeanda
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50 minutes ago, Pyroxene said:

Yes, I've noticed that, on some occasions, the Aurora music is playing without Aurora.

I've only heard it that way round in transfer pass though..   

Usually it's the aurora but no sound..  I've just been to bleak actually and there was no aurora sound at all, except  on the bridge then I got some crackling noises.. 

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