How many bears have you killed on any of your runs?

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Bears are very easy to hunt. I'm around 35ish bears on day 500 of an interloper run. The only thing holding the number down is the slow respawn rate on Interloper. No need to find special places from which to hunt. Get a bear interested in you and stalking you. Move away and light a campfire. Then wait. The bear will continue to follow you and will stop and stand still at around 2-3 m from the fire. Take your time and take an easy headshot. If you hit a crit and it dies; great. If not, you just wait outside for a bleedout (because of the bear despawning bug if you enter anything with a loading screen). If you are really bold, once you light your fire, you can head a little bit towards the bear and take a shot and run like hell to behind your fire. Now you get a 2nd chance at a headshot for free.

You can lure the bear to where you want to kill it so it's in a sheltered spot to harvest or quarter. I routinely kite bears all the way back to my bases and set up to kill them on the downwind side of a building, or better yet, inside a 2 zone cave. Easy peasy

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