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I've been thinking about this for a while, but cranberries would be a great addition to the game. They grow in bogs in Canada and are harvested in winter. While the majority of cranberry farming occurs on the Atlantic coast of Canada, the highbush cranberry does grow wild on Vancouver Island (the island Great Bear is based on) and in much of the bogs in British Columbia.  With the new scurvy affliction, cranberries would be one of few naturally-growing items that could provide significant amounts of vitamin C, and they'd be a really easy item to add to the game: they basically look like taller rose hip bushes. For realism and balance, I think they should only be in "boggy" regions, like Forlorn Muskeg, Bleak Inlet, and a few areas in Transfer Pass and the Airfield. A half a cup of highbush cranberries contains about 25% DV of vitamin C and 60 calories, and that seems about right for the game as well. 

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