Killed and game deleted for no reason


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I am a truck driver. I spend a lot of time on the road. I have little free time and a small portion of that free time I spend relaxing in this game and playing for the last few years. I have spent many months already on one game file collecting and moving all the essential and misc. items from every region to PV so i can move into CH then search DP for what ever I was missing. I have gain level 5 in every skill except ice fishing and mending. I have spent over 120 grueling in game days drudging like a tank through vast amounts of distances to collect everything to move to CH. I have searched almost every bunker and have gotten the radio and was one bunker short of accessing bunker omega.

With no rope available in the Ravine, out of the two spots that their is SUPPOSE to spawn, I decided to trek down the rock as I usually do to get to the bottom and go into bleak inlet. I dropped near the rope and bruised myself, which is fine, I was more than half way down and dropped down a foot to the next ledge where the game decided to kill me instantly and end my game. I was NOT heading down to an inaccessible area of the map. I was going down to the ravine that leads to bleak inlet and the game was deleted after 5 months I have worked hard to get to that point.

I will no longer support this game in the future, nor play it. I will uninstall and delete anything related to this game from my pc, xbox, and chrome. I will unsubscribe to anything related to this game on every social media platform and find a better game with more competent designers that have more common sense in the games that they create. I wish all you poor bastards the best of luck with having the patience with the people that created this game for so many years, and that they still have not added or fixed the most simplest issues with this survival game. The waste of time I have just experienced has let an indefinite sour taste in my mouth for the creators and the game itself.

Best of luck -

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I'm sorry you lost all that hard work ,but the ravine is known as an instakill area..  there is only one very specific spot that is safe to go down . And it's not near the rope itself..

I wish you luck whatever you do ,but it's a shame if you give up the game..  

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3 hours ago, James Hickok said:

Sorry to hear You lost ur run. It is known in the community that you cant goat down in this specific place even if it seems you can. There is an invisible wall of death there. 

The way to goat down to the lower ravine is on the left of the bridge leading to ML from CH (still ravine) and im not talking about the broken bridge. 

I remember when i lost my 748 ingame day Interloper char and was raging so bad. Uninstalled the game but after 15 minutes i installed it again and started a new run. I cant caount how many runs i lost up to date - its part of the game, part of the learning curve. 

Hope You will come back. This game is sooooooooo relaxing after hard days work for me. It calms my nerves really. I dont work like You do and i know truckdriving is hard work but im CEO in a ~ 500 ppl company and managing all of them is often very stressfull. TLD is like a nerve therapy for me really.

I feel you. Its tough. On the days im blessed to sleep at home I literally have 1h to eat and shower before going to bed and sleeping 5½ to 6 hours for the next day. If I have extra time after those tasks I'll either gather the materials for a move or make a small move before saving. If I had more time everyday I'd rage and start over. 

They need to remove those insta death spots and just let us risk serious injury or death on our mistake.

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I completely feel you, had a hundreds day run, trying to get the all locations mapped challenge (it was before the tracker of visited locations were added). It seemed to me all maps were fully discovered, and the badge just did not come. As a last thought I saw a few still blurred places in ravine and tried to get into various positions and use the charcoal to reveal…

that’s when I learned about instakill. It did not even seem that a dangerous/steep place.

never again have I been stretching to get to the edges of the map, or tried getting the cartographer badge. Instead learnt to respect not to go to places that the devs seemed to have made ‘off limits’.

it did take away a lot of the daring trials from my gameplay, and made me learn to appreciate a ‘safe steps only’ gaming style.

I still have clocked more hundreds of hours in the game since, after the first shock though…

good luck with whatever you choose to play next.<3


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