What's next?

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Wondering what the next challenge will be and noticed a few things:

  • After finishing the challenge, you get a badge. You also keep the handheld shortwave radio in your inventory. Could there be more transmitters to find in the next challenge? Or could it be used to find something else? Or did HL just not get around to removing from inventory yet?
  • Also after finishing, I had about 10-12 each of the wires and fuses left (about 4-5 kilos of weight I happily dropped in Omega). Perhaps I will be making a return trip to retrieve them, or did HL just sprinkle many more than needed around Great Bear?
  • Challenge felt like it wasn't completed based on the logs and notes you read along the way...seems like there is more to this story OR it ties into Wintermute?
  • There was a prepper called Omega, and Omega is usually paired with Alpha...wonder if there is another set of preppers in the works for the next challenge?


Edited by TonyInPleasantValley
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I'm not in game now, but I seem to recall the "tracking screen" which shows which zones we've found transmitters in.  There are 2 empty slots, which leads me to believe they will be added by other Parts.  

I'm guessing the extra wires, etc. are just so players aren't forced to find "5 of 5" wires scattered throughout the whole zone.

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