Accessory Suggestion


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There are so many acessorys added, and while one would never un-equip the moose satchel once aquired, its hard to beat the Wool Earwrap as well. I feel like this could be solved better if we have:

Head Acessory: Wool Earwrap

Weight Acessory: Satchel

Torso Acessory: Ballistic Vest or New Acessory ;)

Feet Acessory: Crampons

Or maybe a merged Torso/Weight slot, if that would be better balance wise. Crampons have their use on climbing or beachcombing, but is unquipped right after that despite providing Proctection against Wolfs/Sprains, the Vest is useless, and the new Accessory might be a good idea, but its kinda bad compared to the Satchel/Wrap Combo. With the amount of accessorys added to the game, it would be really cool if it gets a little rebalanced.

What do you think about it?

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Maybe, but why should i choose the new holder over say, earwrap? At least on a gunloper where every bit of warmth counts, this might be different on stalker and below.  Either i go looting, that means revolver and/or bow is sufficient, and the rifle is still to heavy and not necessary. Or i go hunting, and therefor dont need the extra weight. Warmth is still better, because it buys more time to find a good position to safely kill a bear, without taking too much condition damage.  And Satchel is also better, because.. well... 5 kilos capacity vs 2.  At least for Gunloper, i dont see a single situation where i rather wear the rifle holder, despite it negating the rifles biggest downside somewhat. And that just because it takes the space of something generally more useful.

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On 4/8/2023 at 4:53 PM, Shadox said:

Maybe, but why should i choose the new holder over say, earwrap? At least on a gunloper where every bit of warmth counts, this might be different on stalker and below.

The Ear Wrap is a really good all-round accessory, but even on gunloper, warmth is essentially a binary thing, it doesn't really matter until the actual meter runs out.

With that said, I do think it's a valid argument to say the rifle holster is underpowered. It's ~2kg worth of extra carry weight efficiency, only while carrying a rifle, and while every bit of carry weight matters, only getting that benefit when carrying a rifle isn't exactly amazing. The rifle is overkill for self-defense, and if it's hunting you're interested in, it's not like the +2kg is going to help you carry a bear in one load or anything. (and on repeat loads, you'll definitely want to leave the rifle behind in the first place)

It feels especially redundant because the Travois is on the horizon, and will most likely upend how we currently think about Carry Weight management. And if it's slotted in the Accessory slot, the Rifle Holster is going to be very irrelevant.

Here's a few ideas for potentially making this item better:

  • Maybe make it holsters, instead of a rifle holster? Change the model to include two pistol-style holsters and a knife holster, and instead of halving only the weight of one rifle, it can also halve the weight of a Distress Pistol, Revolver, and Knife, all at the same time, which should up the weight save (once again, only if you are using all of these items at once) to ~3.2kg or so.
  • Maybe go the Crampons route and also add extra benefits besides just carry weight? An easy one would be halving your Rifle's condition decay per shot, decreasing the speed the Aim meter decays with the rifle (it kept your rifle warm), etc?
  • A bit boring (and perhaps this would carry realism complaints) but if the holster removed the weight penalty of carrying a rifle entirely (maybe replace the weight penalty with a max Stamina penalty?), that'd easily allow its weight save to be worth it.
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