Helicopter Fast Travel - Albeit challenging


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I was looking at a lot of the elements already in the game (as of Signal void update recently) and I think TLD is already perfectly set up for a fast travel concept (albeit, very challenging and resources would be rare to find and travel would be few). Just hear me out.

1) There are helicopters on the map now and electronics have now been added to the game, along with transmitter, batteries, wiring, fuses etc… makes it easy to add a “fix up the helicopter” mini game.

2) Makenzie is a pilot…. TLD lore… it works!

3) Flares are used in game. You could set up “landing pad” areas (discoverable through charcoaling map areas. Mackenzie could say “this looks like a decent area to land” and you can build a little 4 corner square landing pad using flares, wires and a fuse. So when landing you radio the beacon and your flares light up. So you have to pre set up these landing pads prior to being able to use them.

4) obviously lamp fuel cannot be used, so adding red gasoline canisters to game would be awesome. Ensuring that fuel is very rare and it is limited on the map.

5) Aurora would allow helicopters to start up. And you could add a blizzard element to flying which would increase the risk etc… if you felt this was overpowered. I know TLD is largely based around thoughtful exploration and that is key to why people love the game, but I think a rare and challenging form of fast travel would be appreciated especially with players having to pre place landing pads, implying they must have already done the journey there prior to being able to fly. This is more focused around long play-throughs

6) The reason I chose flying over cars is simply because Mackenzie is a pilot, and it makes sense that cars are obstructed by the snow

7) To keep the graphics simple, the developers could have Mackenzie looking down at the helo controls so that they don’t have to worry about the player looking outside.(changing environments) Keeps the graphics simple. I was also thinking of 2-3 potential landing areas per map


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MacKenzie pilots a small plane.  Nothing is said about his being able to fly a chopper (which is a totally different thing).  At any rate, interesting idea... too involved for my taste personally, but if others want it... why not?  I do mostly one-region challenge stuff, so it won't really affect me.

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