Question about respawning

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No harvestables respawn. Plants and saplings don't return once they are harvested. 


However, in 2.06 you can find cat tails, birch saplings, and maple saplings while beach combing. But reishi and rosehips are a limited resource, but so abundant that you probably won't run out of it. I say 2.06 because I don't know what changes to loot and beach combing are coming tomorrow with the new update.

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It's a good question @TonyInPleasantValley and one I've posed myself.  I had a 2100+ day run that I swore I had gotten all cattails on but I would still find some in areas I had been to dozens of times.  I tacked it up to my own oversight when I was initially "gathering them all".  The only way to truly verify they do grow back would be to take screenshots of cleared areas, then come back after 1000, 2000, ? days and check the cleared spots.

I just saw there is a mod to regrow harvestables...

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