Weird Problems

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Yesteray I had some weird problems with TLD.  It had been working well for several hours then strange things started to happen. Unfortunately I had been running a variety of versions of TLD and also testing a few mods so I am not in a position to pinpoint the issues.

After waiting for the new update I was getting bored hanging around Vacant Depot so I went back the ML to pick up a bear bedroll that needed repairing.  I repaired it and returned to the Vacant Depot.  I took it out to Junker's Paddock thinking it might be needed if I travel out from there.  I dropped in on the floor and went out to cook some meat.  When I returned the bear bedroll had disappeared. 

At the same time I found that if I drank water the amout of water that I was carrying did not reduce. It seemed I had a magic water bottle that never emptied.

I also found that after I ate meat I retained a zero weight piece of meat in my backpack.  Strange things also happened to cooked meat that I left lying on the snow outside the trailer.  I can't remember exactly, but things like when I picked up a piece of meat it also stayed on the snow.

I have visited Junkers several times recently without problems.  I tried all sorts of things trying to find the bear bedroll but could not find it.

As I said I had been trying different versions of TLD and a few mods that had not previously given trouble so I cannot fully describe the problem.  I guess I'll just to wait for the update and continue from there minus a hard won bear bedroll.


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If you continue to experience anomalies, I'd start by doing a few things:

  • If on Steam, do a 'validate/verify files'
  • Begin removing mods
  • Uninstall/reinstall TLD

I continue to have some weird behavior - I open a car hood, transition in & out of a location, and the car hood is down.  I'm pretty sure it had something to do with a mod, but even removing all mods and loading a prior save, it seems like I'm stuck with the behavior.

Edited by hozz1235
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