New Food Ideas pt 2


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So after some thinking, I thought I'd share a few more suggestions for food variants that would fit the base game.

1. Chicken Noodle Soup: Commonly found in a can, CNS is a new stew you can find and eat. Its similar to tomato soup, except it has a slight higher calorie intake. You can cook the soup over a fire to get the warming up perk, but what makes CNS different then the other can foods is its ability to restore condition. Most people consume CNS when they get sick, so it would make sense that CNS offers some healing properties. We'll say it can restore an additional 5% of your health, that way birch bark tea is still the superior option towards healing yourself.

2. Popcorn: Prepared in sealed packages, popcorn is another snack that can be found and prepared over a campfire. Due to the popcorn being stored in a sealed package, its relatively light to carry. However, you can't eat it directly, you'll need a lit campfire, and a container to prepare the popcorn. Due to the salty flavor, it will reduce your hydration, but it will be a decent snack to cook up. If its too difficult to implement, we can just say the player can find a bag filled with prepared popcorn to consume (similar to ketchup chips).

3. Smores: 1 of the best snacks to have while camping is a smore. Ideally the only item you need to cook is the marshmallow. The cracker and chocolate just come with the package. In terms of roasting the marshmallow, you wouldn't be able to follow the standard cooking procedure. Instead, there will be a short minigame where the player must rotate the marshmallow accordingly to properly roast it (this can follow the same control scheme as unlocking a safe combination). If you burn the marshmallow, you'll have to try again with another marshmallow. But if you run out, you won't be able to eat any smores.

4. Canned Beer: Not exactly food, but I thought I'd share some thoughts about it. Beer is a alcoholic drink that some campers would take with them on trips. There relatively the same size as other soda drinks. 1 major downside to consuming beer is it grants the player the tipsy affliction for a short time. The affliction will make the player have a less steady aim with weapons, and they are unable to walk in a straight line. The affliction gets worse and lasts longer if you consume more than 1. Since your game is built on the concept of everything having consequences, I figured finding general soda cans was a bit generous for the player. If we want to add a bit more challenge and consequence, we can have beer cans appear in game. Since your game is rated T, its probably not the best idea to include alcohol. But it may help spread a message that alcohol is not good for you.


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Beer could get you drunk but offer a lot of calories and hydration. There is already a kind of drunk effect you get when you're low on condition. Can get that same effect even at full condition if you get too drunk. 

Chicken noodle soup is eaten when you have the cold so maybe it can recover Hypothermia. But it's a bit salty so it might not offer much hydration

Edited by desertedone
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Alcohol: cures Cabin Fever, causes Drunkenness (use the low condition/near death effect). Allows you to sleep indoors but only after Drunkenness wears off. Wake up dehydrated & Cabin Fever risk resets to zero.

Edited by Kranium
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16 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Beer (and all alcohol) is actually a diuretic (dehydrates you).

So is coffee, tea and soda but it doesn't have that effect in the game. Studies also show beer rehydrates the body more than water.

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2 hours ago, desertedone said:

So is coffee, tea and soda but it doesn't have that effect in the game. Studies also show beer rehydrates the body more than water.

Interesting read.  I'm wondering if the "immediate" hydration is higher, but then the body begins to "purge" the alcohol resulting in dehydration.

Brief research on coffee:

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