Cured Guts for Sausages?

Willy Pete

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With the roadmap for the current DLC having advanced recipes listed, it'd be cool if cured guts could be used in conjunction with the various meat items to create sausages. These might have better weight to calorie ratios than normal cooked meats, have a lower scent rating, or in some other way differ from regular old meat steaks.

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I do like this idea. Here are my thoughts:

Created by using raw gut, raw meat, water, spices(is gunpowder a spice? 🤣). The condition % of gut and meat will affect the condition % of finished product.

May be cooked or cured to increase quality and/or caloric density.

Cooked will have slightly higher caloric density and cooking skill may add additional calories.

Cured will degrade at 1/4 the time of cooked but no extra caloric density.  Cooked will degrade as normal.

Curing takes 7 days indoors and condition will be 100% when finished.

I can see it now: Ye Olde Quonset Wild Game Sausage Shoppe


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Great idea, I'm sure I've had a thought like this before but I'm glad others are thinking about more food options as well.

I think the idea of smoking meats has been presented before, but I'm not sure what everyone's thoughts are on it today?

I'd look forward to a Long Dark sandbox where I can make smoked sausages.

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