End Game Philosophy - Post TFTFT Quarry Area/mining carts


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After watching the trailer for the 15th time super excited I thought about forges and fires and steam.

Harnessing steam for use as energy would be an interesting mechanic. You could build a fire in say a "forge" type fire pit and it would convert water to steam to power mining carts or a tram system. This system would use a ton of water and coal.

I'm sure there could be other niche uses as well...like opening doors in the prison for example in a later update.

The end game of the long dark is very unique - You have all the gear, you have the bases in each zone, you have the food and your pretty set. The world is yours to explore and it's a great feeling. Some say that's the more boring part of the game but I think making up your own story and seeing the story of your survivor play out over the course of a playthrough is nothing to scoff at and I do enjoy it!

Starting from nothing and conquering the island is great fun! Even beachcombing and refilling bases is fun until it isn't and it becomes a chore.

An addition of a long term - monumental goal utilizing the resources (such as this one i've purposed in this example) would add another layer of complexity to the end game loop. The balance would have to be struck with what this activity gets you as far as reward. Heck, you could even take the mining tram to get to a polaroid area of the map. So it wouldn't even be an "item loot reward" just an exploration related thing. ((loper players would still do this if you added a flare shell and a candy bar at the top!))

The mining tram idea could also function as a one way ticket (resource dependent of course) from one zone to another (top of ash canyon to X zone - think about marsh ridge transition area with the cliffs for example) to or to a totally unique area not accessible by any other means to get up to but once your up there - crate of 5 ropes awaits you to get down without the tram. You would have to either climb back up and literally die because the climb would take so long....or redo the fire sequence to get the tram car back to the bottom and dwindle your resource pool. 

The obvious downside to "game driven-end game activities" is that they could impact "creative play" and make players feel "forced" to compete/complete as the meta evolves around them. However, if done in a very tasteful and true to "choose your own adventure - Mission Statement" vibe I could see a place where these "select" endgame feats could be engaging and possibly prop up other systems around them making the gameplay loop after you've done "all-the-things" more weighty and engaging! 

So many quotations used here, I don't know the proper game dev, water-cooler game philosophy terms!!!! I hope this makes sense and wasn't too out-left field! 

Edited by Larryfine
Thunkin & Words
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On 11/25/2022 at 3:11 AM, Larryfine said:


Hinterland Team Keep up the great work and stay true to the vision! This new update looks AMAZING!

Thank you for the suggestions, and for your kind words. We look forward to additional thoughts and feedback once you've had a chance to explore the Far Territory firsthand!

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I very mych enjoy this idea! Somewhere in the late game the quest for loot becomes more of a chore and less engaging. 


rewards/tasks I can think of:

Unique items (+ interloper treats), an advantageous view, intel and storytelling, a feat unlocked through... well a feat! Safehouse customization options would be neat too, i.e. catching a large fish in a certain pond might unlock a mount for it in your home, permanantly or per survival run is fine by me. 

I'm already stoked for these mini quests that are promised to weave into survival mode. Operating an old steam system to cross a barrier is right up my alley! 

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