Hushed River Valley Mystery Tours


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The more I explore HRV the more intrigued I become with the various scenes I encounter during my explorations there.
I recently found this cave near a prominent water fall and as I entered the cave, I felt I was swept into some kinda murder mystery story written by Agatha Christie.

Every picture tells a story don't it?


The scene unfolds as I find a corpse near the entrance, a new flare firmly clutched in his dead hand and a bandage lying nearby his dead body.

as my gaze sweeps into the cavern, my eyes rest on the carcass of a slain wolf.


The wolves carcass appears to have been gnawed up and there is a knife stabbed squarely into the wolf's now lifeless body.  
What's the connection here?  What do these clues mean?

In the rear of the cave is more...

In the rear of the cave I find  a few lengths of gut and a wolf pelt curing near a burned out fire.  I also find an unused flare and a wilderness cookbook
as well as fuel for the fire.        

So what's the story here?  Is this just a series of unfortunate events? 

I get the impression this a dinner that just went bad.  Our recently deceased tracked the wounded wolf into the cave where it finally died.  He prepared the fire and having gutted the carcass and removed the hide he continued to butcher the meat when he accidently cut himself with his own blade.  Bleeding profusely he got up and hastily pulled the bandage from his pocket and suddenly dropping it on the floor where it bounced away.  As it was dark and there wasn't enough light for him to see he fumbled about in the darkness before pulling out a flare from his pockets.  However by that time he had lost enough blood and he passed out and died.   

What's your take on what happened here?  

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On 10/15/2022 at 12:17 AM, piddy3825 said:

What's your take on what happened here?  

You set this scene up with mods, right? I have never encountered anything like that in by (modest) amount of time playing this game… let alone finding a knife in a carcass!

No offense, by the way; this just seems extremely improbable…

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1 hour ago, conanjaguar said:

You set this scene up with mods, right? I have never encountered anything like that in by (modest) amount of time playing this game… let alone finding a knife in a carcass!

No offense, by the way; this just seems extremely improbable…

Even if @piddy3825 did doctor up the scene a bit, you'll know he provides some great entertainment for us here on the forums.  Glad to see you're back, Pid!

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