Clothing and Scare Chance


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Once again this backyard scientist is up to his old tricks, this time checking effectiveness of wolf scares with clothing. Now I didn't try every article of clothing in the world because that's silly, but what I did do was try 3 specific scenarios. 1: Regular clothing. 2: Wolfskin Coat outer layer. 3: Bearskin Coat outer layer.

For all three trials I instigated 100 wolf close encounters on Interloper, and then disengaged if the wolf locked on. These are my results.

Regular Clothing: 6 scare-offs, 94 disengagements.

Wolfskin Coat: 25 scare-offs, 75 disengagements.

Bearskin Coat: 26 scare-offs, 74 disengagements.

So while this is overall a pretty small sample size, I think it does illustrate that Wolf or Bear skin doesn't matter, the scare-off chance is identical. But significantly higher than nothing at all.

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You're a legend, thank you!

I am often amazed at what your mad scientist brain offers us. This one for me is hugely important, having a particular issue with wolf jumpscares.

It shows it is definitely worth going for either the wolf or bear coat, which ever is your preference.

If there was ever a reason to go to Ash Canyon, alongside the backpack and crampons of course, its the hope of getting the "Wolf Scare Coat"!

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8 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

I am often amazed at what your mad scientist brain offers us.




Sure I'm a bit perturbed by the sociopolitical global climate. But definitely not mad.

(props if you know what game that's from)

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24 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

Umm.... Futurama? 

Quest for Glory 4, Shadows of Darkness. The whole series is kind of tongue-in-cheek, but in this game in particular there's one NPC named Dr. Cranium, who is the quintessential mad scientist trope. (But also a valuable ally.) If you select "Mad Scientist" from the "ask about" menu, you get that dialogue. "Mad, Mad?! They ALL CALL ME THAT!!..."

Edit: Okay so I was quite a bit off with my recollection of the original dialogue but... yeah lol Here's the clip. 


Edited by ajb1978
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