Hello from Michigan, USA

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Not sure why I didn't join the forums sooner, been playing TLD for years and its by far my favorite survival game (nothing else comes close) and literally the only game that can still hold my interest now-a-days :D. I like to play during the fall/winter months but right now I am just getting into modding and WOW why have I not done this years ago! Testing out hunger revamped, relentless nights, the dozen or so quality of life mods, so good! 😍 Just got 1k hours in the game in Steam (rookie numbers compared to you vets I'm sure!) and enjoy interloper but always gotten bored after I got 'settled' by day 100 or so. Luckily all these awesome mods should remedy that!

.... While I'm here I was hoping to sneak in a question: "Time to Wildlife Respawn" I see medium is the default setting for all difficulty settings, does anyone know the the actual values for this? I would like to try a mode with it set to Very High and am curious if we had any numbers / data to reflect what that really means.

Either way you are all great people, glad to be here and THANK YOU Hinterland and Modders alike 👍


 I also stream TLD along with retro stuff. SHAMEFUL PLUG GO!  https://www.twitch.tv/smokyrawsauce ☺️

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On 7/8/2022 at 12:15 PM, conanjaguar said:


Greetings for the land of Dixie. At least you get some snow in the winter; down here we almost never need to wear more than a thick sweater!

I won't lie I did have to google search land of dixie just to confirm my ignorance :P @conan_reis

Yeah gotta love them seasons. The cold flushes out the horrible bugs 🐛 and thank you @Leeanda and @ManicManiac for the welcome. WE all gonna be good friends 🐒

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12 hours ago, SmokyRawSauce said:

I won't lie I did have to google search land of dixie just to confirm my ignorance :P @conan_reis

Yeah gotta love them seasons. The cold flushes out the horrible bugs 🐛 and thank you @Leeanda and @ManicManiac for the welcome. WE all gonna be good friends 🐒

Just to clarify, I am not that Conan! I wish I could have backed TLD, but when that option was available, I had no clue of its existence.

(Strange, every time I introduce myself, my name ALWAYS gets mixed up with someone else’s...)

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@conanjaguar lol my bad, I swear I clicked on the reptilian profile too! 

"I wish I could have backed TLD, but when that option was available, I had no clue of its existence."

/\ I'm sorry I'm not quite sure what that means but I do hope you have an awesome Sunday and the sweltering southern temperatures are not THAT horribly sweltering. Hey at least your face doesn't hurt when walking outside like mine does in Jan/Feb 🤪🥶


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1 hour ago, SmokyRawSauce said:@conanjaguar lol my bad, I swear I clicked on the reptilian profile too! 

"I wish I could have backed TLD, but when that option was available, I had no clue of its existence."

/\ I'm sorry I'm not quite sure what that means but I do hope you have an awesome Sunday and the sweltering southern temperatures are not THAT horribly sweltering. Hey at least your face doesn't hurt when walking outside like mine does in Jan/Feb 🤪🥶


No problem, I just find it amusing nowadays that my name is impossible to get right.

And, when I said this:

6 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

I wish I could have backed TLD, but when that option was available, I had no clue of its existence.

I meant that, when TLD first came out and backing it was an option,mi had no idea it existed. And yes, the southern temperatures are indeed that sweltering, and... BONUS! The air conditioner is out.

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