Moose challenge


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59 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

It's very easy to get turned around in Blackrock -- it took me 2 days to find that little trailer that's off by itself in the Dam/Power Plant area. I knew it was there, but I forgot it was up a little hill where you just saw a piece of fence in front.

Leeanda --Good job on getting another bear, at least that keeps you in food for a while.

The wolves get caught up in the 1st section of the Warden area of the prison a lot for me. I don't know if it has to do with closing the gate, but I've seen wolf prints going right up into a wall and they didn't come back out, so weird pathing maybe?

I have seen a lot of videos of moose being brought down by one flare or even one arrow, but I'm starting to think those are just very, very lucky happenstances.

Thanks! I think it was more luck and timing with that shot ! 

I think whoever designed HRV also did  BlackRock! Both mazes! I did find a trailer round that area,not that I was looking for it!🙂 I was trying to get back to the substation area! 

Let's just hope the fixes aren't too far away! Footprints up the wall is funny but not helpful in a place like BlackRock!  

Have to admit I thought it'd be easier with the moose too! I've seen those videos  as well!  Maybe it is just luck ,or something to do with the difficulty? Most of the ones I've seen have been interloper!  

How's your run going? 

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Well, I spent quite a while going round in a big circle finding only 1 trailer and no animals at all!  As I found myself somehow back at the power plant I decided to go through the tunnels back to the prison!  It might've been easier if I'd done that in the first place!😁 

I also got a bit lost in the tunnels too,circling round a couple of times! 

Considering the weather hasn't been so great I thought I'd leave BlackRock and head home to PV!  I slept for the night and started heading off at first light! The fog lifted and finally I saw blue sky! The first I've seen in quite a while! So I thought I'd head slightly further down past the overturned lorry area and found the sign to the substation! 🙂 

After all that running in circles it was somewhere pretty easy to find!  I did get a bit annoyed when all I found in there was a stim and a sewing kit!   So I headed back to the exit and saw the only 2 animals outside of the prison I'd seen in four days!  1 deer and 1 wolf! I left them be and made my way through keepers pass shooting a bunny on the way just in case the weather turned and I got stuck there!  But luck followed me all the way back to PV!  

Unfortunately after a rare aurora that night I was stuck in the farm for two days by continuing blizzards!  When they finally stopped I made my way to TWM checking the birch forest for signs of the moose on the way! No luck there but I finally found one at the mountaineer's hut! 

I managed to get four shots at it but no kill! I had to stop going after him as my flare gun is about to break! I'm now at the hut resting for the night,hoping to get the flare gun from the summit tomorrow !🙂

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5 hours ago, Leeanda said:


Have to admit I thought it'd be easier with the moose too! I've seen those videos  as well!  Maybe it is just luck ,or something to do with the difficulty? Most of the ones I've seen have been interloper!  

How's your run going? 

Most of the ones I've seen are Interloper too.

My run is going well, no Moose sighted in PV, so I've just hauled myself and some gear over to Coastal Highway, Will probably head to Desolation Point to see if there's a hammer so I can forge some arrowheads after I do a quick reconnaissance here. Happy to see my favorite CH house is not burned down on this run.

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11 hours ago, twyn1 said:

Most of the ones I've seen are Interloper too.

My run is going well, no Moose sighted in PV, so I've just hauled myself and some gear over to Coastal Highway, Will probably head to Desolation Point to see if there's a hammer so I can forge some arrowheads after I do a quick reconnaissance here. Happy to see my favorite CH house is not burned down on this run.

Glad yours is going well!  Typical no show with the moose though.  Which house is your favourite? I like the one in the north west where you sometimes find the photo.  Very cosy up there. 

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This morning I started making my way up to the summit,all the while trying to remember which gun I got originally! After a long trek I finally found out! That one😁  it wasn't completely pointless though,I got a couple of bits that I couldn't carry down last time. 

So I decided to head to the ravine and hoped it was in good condition! The moose was still behind the hut but I'd left the flare gun in the cabin,it was at 4% anyway!  Not sure why they can't be repaired or cleaned,maybe because the amount of shells is so limited anyway? 

I left some of my gear at the barn in PV ,still keeping an eye out for the moose but he was not there again!  I pushed on through the fairly heavy fog ,makes a change from the thick snow and made it to the ravine by sunset!  I managed to find one bunny and a few birch saplings and spent the night in the cave! I wanted to hunt a deer or two but yet again there were none! I had thought of staying there for a few days but with no real food supply it wouldn't be possible. I got the flare gun,in pretty good condition at 88% but I only have 6 shells left anyway ! 

I'm now at the dam trailer finishing my last book and having a quick rest while I decide where to go next!

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6 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Glad yours is going well!  Typical no show with the moose though.  Which house is your favourite? I like the one in the north west where you sometimes find the photo.  Very cosy up there. 

It's in the little group of 4 on the shore, in front of the Quonset Garage. The cedar-shingle one that is set off a bit and has a Canadian flag flying. I just really like the many storage areas and the layout. I can navigate it even in the dark and it's fairly central to getting around and heading out to the DP forge.

You can dump tools, hides and guts in the garage and quick pop over, even in a blizzard, to do some crafting or repairs.

I imagine it would be a beautiful place to live, if not in Perma-winter and completely alone. (in which case, there'd likely be traffic noise and irritating tourists, tho). Maybe that's when I'd head up to one those little cabins off of Bear Creek.

Glad you got the 2nd flare gun (after the side trip to the Summit) ... it's time to finally take that Moose down!

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8 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

It's in the little group of 4 on the shore, in front of the Quonset Garage. The cedar-shingle one that is set off a bit and has a Canadian flag flying. I just really like the many storage areas and the layout. I can navigate it even in the dark and it's fairly central to getting around and heading out to the DP forge.

You can dump tools, hides and guts in the garage and quick pop over, even in a blizzard, to do some crafting or repairs.

I imagine it would be a beautiful place to live, if not in Perma-winter and completely alone. (in which case, there'd likely be traffic noise and irritating tourists, tho). Maybe that's when I'd head up to one those little cabins off of Bear Creek.

Glad you got the 2nd flare gun (after the side trip to the Summit) ... it's time to finally take that Moose down!

I know which one you mean,though I normally find that one in ruins too.   

Well it was a nice walk up there even if it wasn't really necessary! 🙂 Pity there was no aurora that night!  

I'll do my best to finish  the challenge! 

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I thought I'd try my luck at Trappers cabin again so camped out there for a few days,but sadly no sign of him and my food was running out! There were no deer,bear ,wolves or rabbits anywhere near the cabin at all! Not sure why . I did think of going back to Broken Railroad but when I got to Forlorn I had a change of heart. With only 7 flares left my best bet was going to be bleak,so I headed there instead.  

I got lucky as the weather was blue skies and no wind, unusual for bleak! I found the moose and got as close as I could without spooking him. I took the shot and hit him between the eyes! Sadly he didn't go down but ran off! I gave chase and got him again,this time hitting his nose!  He ran across the ice and I lost him! I looked around for quite a while but had to give up in the end!  

I decided to go after the bear instead so made my way to the  cabins and climbed on the roof to wait for him. I read for an hour or two until he showed up,glad the weather hadn't turned.   I tried a slightly longer shot this time as I didn't want him running away first.  I got lucky,as it hit him and he ran off! . I thought I'd leave him to die and to kill time I spent several hours fishing!  I caught 7 fish in 5 hours which is the best I've had in quite a while. It's the most amount of animals I've seen in the last week on any one map!  

After resting for the night I went in search of the bear and found him near the island. So I took some of his meat and spent a few hours cooking in the lighthouse. I'm now back at the cabin enjoying a hearty steak and a cup of birch bark tea. Tomorrow I'll go up the secret path as I missed it on my last visit,and then hopefully go and catch that moose!

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This morning I finished looting the few bits of bleak I'd missed before finding very little.  I headed back to the moose area to see if he was there. Sadly I waited for several days and it didn't turn up ! Took a bit of an ice bath while I searched for him too!🙂

Getting the urge to roam I headed off to Broken Railroad in fairly thick fog! Shooting a wolf on the way, however it didn't die and I never found the arrow either!  I'm pretty close to level 5 with the bow and I'd like to get it as I've never managed to get that far. 

As luck would have it the moose was at the area behind the shed! He ran before I could see him so I got onto the rock near the bridge  to get a better view!  He wasn't too far away so I waited patiently until he was right below me! I took the shot and hit him right between the eyes! 

YAY!!  A kill shot! 😁 

 I stood there for a minute quite surprised that he'd gone down!  I took his hide and a few guts so I could make the sack! It'll be my trophy ! 

I have mixed feelings now as I feel like the challenge is over,but I have 5 shells left and I'd like to get to level 5 before it's over too! 

If anyone wants me to continue until I reach my personal goals then I'd be happy to otherwise I'm up for any new challenge ideas!  

At the moment I'm at the shed getting ready to sleep ! Is it the last one before fading into the long dark?


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Congrats on the kill! 

I have an idea for a new challenge. Voyager, just vanilla voyager. Curious to see how you'd fare with more hostile wildlife. 

Feel free to turn bears off, but if you do that, you need to turn wolves to very high in order to compensate! 

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5 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Congrats on the kill! 

I have an idea for a new challenge. Voyager, just vanilla voyager. Curious to see how you'd fare with more hostile wildlife. 

Feel free to turn bears off, but if you do that, you need to turn wolves to very high in order to compensate! 

Bears off,wolves high? Got used to being mauled a lot already😁 No probs as long as I get my rifle back🙂 I like the bow more than I thought but boy did I miss my gun!😁 Can I make it colder too? 

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Yes of course! If voyager wolves are too easy, feel free to increase the damage they inflict or play stalker! Stalker is basically voyager with more wolves that are more dangerous, and worse weather. Not quite as harsh as loper but still fun! 

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Just now, Leeanda said:

Despite seeing a lot of videos of the moose being killed with the flare gun, I found it nearly impossible!   In that way it was a hard challenge but still most of it was quite easy! 

You killed one at least! Maybe even more that I didn't read. 

The auroras were disappointingly infrequent too 

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That's the normal amount, very weird! Anything at very high seems to be less frequent. Yet another bug, I'd assume

Nearly lost my survivor because I couldn't get into the farm house at milton. Really hope these kinds of things are fixed soon

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