Moose challenge


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Sorry you weren't feeling well - but seems you had a lot of adventure today.

I have seen some weird "circling" pathing like the wolf was doing ... I had 3 deer stuck in a corner in Mountain Town and they just kept going around in the same spot. I picked one off, but left the other 2 because it was almost sad.

I am seeing corpses and crows/feathers again, but am now noticing the lack of any loot in the backseats of cars. as you reported a while back. Could just be a random thing, but other than a piece of cloth on the floor in between the front seats, I don't believe I've gotten anything else at all.

No corpses at the PV plane crash site, which makes me think I've been imagining them ever being there, other than in story mode???


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27 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Sorry you weren't feeling well - but seems you had a lot of adventure today.

I have seen some weird "circling" pathing like the wolf was doing ... I had 3 deer stuck in a corner in Mountain Town and they just kept going around in the same spot. I picked one off, but left the other 2 because it was almost sad.

I am seeing corpses and crows/feathers again, but am now noticing the lack of any loot in the backseats of cars. as you reported a while back. Could just be a random thing, but other than a piece of cloth on the floor in between the front seats, I don't believe I've gotten anything else at all.

No corpses at the PV plane crash site, which makes me think I've been imagining them ever being there, other than in story mode???


Thank you. 

You're definitely not imagining things!  They only disappeared after the BlackRock update.  It's a bit of an inconvenience though especially if you need the feathers. Some of the loot was more useful than the rest of the site too sometimes.  

The only time I think I found anything on the back seat then was if there was a letter too.  But it's very odd that one saves like that and the next one isn't!  

It is a bit sad really , but sometimes you just have to kill them or you don't eat. I find it happens in the ravine area  more than anywhere else but I might be wrong. 

I hope your run keeps going well despite the bugs/oddities.



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This morning I made my way back to PV farm to find everything had cured! I sorted out my pack and made sure I was well fed and watered! 

I spent the next two days crafting the bear roll sleeping on the basement floor in-between shifts!   

When I'd finished I made my way to Keepers pass anxious to get there and get it out the way! I made good time and even found another shell in the trailer!  I had blue skies all the way! 🙂 

I heard the crows again as I entered keepers pass north but as usual saw or found nothing anywhere! I'm presuming it's a bug? 

Despite the weather that bridge was swaying quite a lot! Not helpful if you suffer with vertigo but I still managed to mark it on the map!  I was also curious if it would stop moving so much if I stopped too but it didn't!  That's a very long way down!🙂 

When I got down to the little cave I found the only corpse on the maps and a few other bits next to him. I only took the shells  though! Now I have 12 so it was definitely worth going!  Ironically I didn't even need the bear roll in either of the passes! 

I thought I might head to BlackRock but as soon as I got there a blizzard started up and I was forced to spend the night in the overturned lorry!  After several hours I had to make a fire as I lost half of my warmth even with the bear roll!  It's a good  job I slept in two hour segments!  The following morning was not much warmer so I decided to head back to PV and maybe come back to BlackRock after I had the wolf coat!  

I'm now back at the farm drying off and getting ready for a good night's sleep!  I'll have to go hunting later! Maybe the moose will show up and I can finally get my moosehide satchel! 🙂


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5 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Bear bed roll never helped me not that warm

It's odd but I'm getting very cold temperatures on pilgrim on these last few runs!  Usually it doesn't get colder than -15  or so but I've had it as low as -36 .  I'm wondering if it's related to the fact that I've set the wind to low somehow? 

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Well the moose was a no show. I spent several days sleeping at the barn and trying to hunt by day!  The first hour of play was so bad it was laughable!  I lost several arrows ,missed a wolf that was about 10 metres away - twice ,and wore out another two arrows shooting at rabbits! Most of which I missed!😁  

I did finally get one but I was running out of food and needed something bigger! 

As luck would have it the bear wandered towards the barn the next morning ! I tried to hide behind the tractor  and hit him from the back but everytime I stood up he ran!  Finally I waited until he was further away than I'd usually like him to be I took a shot ! Thinking it was too low I got ready to take another shot then realised he was very angry! Those bears can really cover ground quickly! I only just made it into the tractor before he reached me!  Took me a minute or two to calm down!🙂 

I thought I'd check for my arrow after he'd wandered off still not sure I'd hit him but the blood splats were there and no arrow! 

It was getting dark so I decided to let him die while I hunkered down for the night! Glad I did as a long blizzard started just before I fell asleep! 

I found him up in the birch forest and spent most of the day harvesting him and taking the meat back to the barn! I left the hide and guts curing . I've just finished cooking up a good amount of meat  and treating myself to a hearty steak and cup of birch tea before I rest for the night!!

I'm thinking where to go to get the best chance of finding the elusive moose!

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I am in PV right now, and just got a bear as well (the one that spawns across the creek that leads to the Long Curve). Have not seen the Moose yet, but there are rubbings at Pensive Pond. Will check the Birch Forest tomorrow.

Your first hour sounds like my games -- I swear I've shot at targets that fill almost the entire screen and I still miss! And if I DO hit something, it's usually in their foot!

Nice to read that you have replenished your shells -- fingers crossed for a successful Moose-endeavor!


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I thought my best shot at finding the moose would be mystery lake. If he wasn't at the cabin he might turn up at Trappers cabin instead. But when I got to the lone cabin the rubbings were no longer there? So I had to rethink my plans.  There are quite a few rubbings in Forlorn so I thought I'd camp there  for a few days to see if he'd show!  No luck so far and no bear yet either. To pass time I went to the tower  to see if there was any loot and to do the photo mapping.  I didn't hang around up there but I did kill the wolf that was running around killing all the rabbits!  Looks like a massacre took place up there now!  I took just the meat and I'm now in the carriage cooking it up. There isn't much food around here so it was needed to keep me going for a few days while I check for the moose! 

Maybe the best place to be is bleak  so I'll maybe head there in a couple of days. I'm just about ready to settle down for the night and I might read a gunsmithing book to pass an hour or so first. Looking at the sky there might even be an aurora! 🙂

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Have you been to AC yet? If you want an aurora, that's the place to go for me. I've gotten 3 in a row in my only three nights spent there so either I was lucky or auroras are more frequent there. It was on vanilla voyager too so I'm imagining you'll get quite a few auroras there with your settings 

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4 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Have you been to AC yet? If you want an aurora, that's the place to go for me. I've gotten 3 in a row in my only three nights spent there so either I was lucky or auroras are more frequent there. It was on vanilla voyager too so I'm imagining you'll get quite a few auroras there with your settings 

It's odd but even with the setting in high I'm not getting many at all! I think I've had 5 in 50+ days. Three of them were in bleak!  The last run had lots of them so not sure why this one is so different? 

I did go to ash to get the backpack early on but can't remember if I had one there or not! 

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10 hours ago, twyn1 said:

I am in PV right now, and just got a bear as well (the one that spawns across the creek that leads to the Long Curve). Have not seen the Moose yet, but there are rubbings at Pensive Pond. Will check the Birch Forest tomorrow.

Your first hour sounds like my games -- I swear I've shot at targets that fill almost the entire screen and I still miss! And if I DO hit something, it's usually in their foot!

Nice to read that you have replenished your shells -- fingers crossed for a successful Moose-endeavor!


You're lucky if he's at the pond,safest place for a sniper shot I think! And even if he doesn't turn up you can get a spot of fishing in🙂 

Lol! It's even worse when you can't find the arrows after! Or maybe that's just me?🙂 

Thanks! I'm hoping to find one soon so I can get even more overburdened than I am now!


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I spent another couple of days in forlorn but the moose remained as elusive as ever! As did the bear! Without much food I decided to head to bleak as that moose is pretty much the most consistent for turning up! 

The weather was near blizzard conditions  but it was either that or starve at the carriage!  I picked up what coal I could find which wasn't much for that cave!  Most have been fairly empty except the CH /PV one!  

Unfortunately the weather was no better in bleak and I couldn't see the moose so I spent a few hours in the cave until cleared up a bit! 

When I finally got outside I found him near the small birch tree area! I crept up to him as close as I could and fired! Right between the eyes!  I gave chase and shot him again ,then again! I had to stop and rest for a few minutes,so I stood in the hunters blind and watched the flare light moving round in big circles!  After a much needed coffee and the last of my wolf steak I started working my way towards him again!  I got one more shot at his face but the second one bounced off his back!  He ran across the ice  where I knew he should have fell through but didn't! So I stopped and checked my shell supply! I only have 7 left now! 

So I'm not sure if I should use the rest on him and hope I find some in BlackRock! Or   should I just go to BlackRock first and see if there's some there? There might even be a moose there if I'm lucky! 

What does everyone think?  Leave him be or  use the rest of the shells I have?  

I'm sitting in the cave for now ,having another coffee by the fire and drying off my clothes! 

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I spent most of today trekking back to PV farm.  After sorting out my gear and making sure I had everything I need, I started making the wolf coat! I spent the next two days or so living in the basement ,only stopping to eat and sleep. 

Once it was finished I headed off to BlackRock via keepers pass! It was hard going as the weather has been thick heavy snow on most of my travels today!  By the time I reached the entrance to BlackRock it had turned into a blizzard so I'm glad I didn't stop on the way!  

I'm now at the barn ,sitting in the truck ,hoping the weather will get better so I  can get to the prison before nightfall!  Without the fire it was already -7 c  ,perhaps I should've made a bear coat instead!🙂

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24 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Yeah Lol but I said to to black rock @Leeandabecause of the good hunting and ammo crafting

The huntings  pretty random these days.but the few times I have been there on pilgrim it's been very scarce! I got lucky with the prison bear.  Hope the moose is there though!  Shouldn't need the ammo,hoping 20+ arrows is enough! If I don't lose them all😁

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3 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Yup but is there a bear in the prison? I've gotten the ballistic vest several times  and I've never seen a bear there 

I've had it  there on two runs .  I think sometimes it's the bear and other times it's a couple of wolves!  Not totally sure about that though! It might just be more likely to turn up on lower difficulties.

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Made my way up to the prison this morning,again in bad weather,so I didn't stop to explore. I'm not very familiar with this map and I don't want to get lost .🙂 

I'm glad I'm on pilgrim settings because as soon as I opened the guardroom door I was greeted by a wolf right outside!  I spent the rest of the morning looting the prison and found 4 flare shells!  I picked up the vest as well but I'm going to leave it in BlackRock as it's just too heavy! 

There were a couple of other wolves too ,who seemed to be stuck in a loop! The yelping became very annoying after a while as I could still hear  them inside the cell rooms too!  

I was lucky enough to find the bear so I took a shot or two from the stairs on the roof! The first one hit the rail and it sounded like it ricocheted for quite a while! I actually found it right under my feet 😁 

The second one hit and he started running!  Unfortunately he too got stuck in a loop for quite a long time so I went into the wardens office for the night ! I found him dead early next morning so took enough meat to last a few days .  

No sign of the moose outside the prison sadly! 

I decided to try and find the radio tower but somehow I've ended up at the power plant! Not sure how though!  I m now just having a rest there wondering which way to go next,enjoying a cup of herbal tea as I've found several on this map! 🙂

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41 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Go south from the power plant to the radio tower (substation) you should come across it on the other side of the river

I followed the wires til I got to the river so had to backtrack and go over the bridge, then just followed the path !  Found it no problem on the other run! Lol😁 

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It's very easy to get turned around in Blackrock -- it took me 2 days to find that little trailer that's off by itself in the Dam/Power Plant area. I knew it was there, but I forgot it was up a little hill where you just saw a piece of fence in front.

Leeanda --Good job on getting another bear, at least that keeps you in food for a while.

The wolves get caught up in the 1st section of the Warden area of the prison a lot for me. I don't know if it has to do with closing the gate, but I've seen wolf prints going right up into a wall and they didn't come back out, so weird pathing maybe?

I have seen a lot of videos of moose being brought down by one flare or even one arrow, but I'm starting to think those are just very, very lucky happenstances.

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