Moose challenge


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4 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Geez I've found the weapons cache before 2 rifles a revolver loads of ammo and 3 arrows and some arrow shafts

Yes it's a good cache usually. But I've took rifle and revolver off   on the settings so the cache was nearly empty. 

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4 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Lemme suggest  fire the flare gun at the moose as its running at you it should scare it off if not kill it

Trouble is the animals are on passive so they run away not attack! 

I only get a few seconds after its seen me to get a good shot at it.

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11 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

I know that feeling I've done passive with highest amount of animals and we'll let's just say I got bored but with moose it's easier to hunt with passive off if you have to use distress pistol

I know. Kinda got used to them running off. Apart from story I only play pilgrim or custom pilgrim anyway. It's very rare to have them attack. It took me two and a half years to get my first stomping and I did it on purpose! 🙂

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Yeah it's not that exciting but you just have to learn about wolves and moose to be able to face your fears and turn off passive (I should know that) and bears well bears are impossible to stop unless you kill them or distress pistolthem  oh yeah timberwolves black rock doesn't have to bad wind but bleak inlet has the worst wind of the hellish trio (bleak inlet forlorn muskeg hushed river valley) so torches are impossible to ight in Bi

Otherwise timberwolves are wimps what with torches keeping them at bay and all

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Not a day for luck! I spent most of it roaming round PV! There were no flare shells anywhere and most of the corpses had vanished!  What few there were had only one feather . The plane crash area yet again had none . This is the fourth run where there haven't been any!  Curious if anyone else is still getting them ?  

I got stuck at the Point of disagreement to the quietist blizzard ever! 

Took me a while to realise why until I remembered turning the wind to low !  🙂 

Still no prepper cache so it's either the one near three strikes that I always have trouble finding or the one near Thompson crossing!  Luckily I'm there now stuck in another eerily quiet blizzard passing the time with a bit of reading!  After I check for the cache I think I'll head to Coastal highway  ,maybe I'll find the Quonset moose and have a decent meal at the end of it. snack bars are no substitute for a nice steak!😁

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17 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Yeah it's not that exciting but you just have to learn about wolves and moose to be able to face your fears and turn off passive (I should know that) and bears well bears are impossible to stop unless you kill them or distress pistolthem  oh yeah timberwolves black rock doesn't have to bad wind but bleak inlet has the worst wind of the hellish trio (bleak inlet forlorn muskeg hushed river valley) so torches are impossible to ight in Bi

Otherwise timberwolves are wimps what with torches keeping them at bay and all

I don't have a problem with moose or wolves!  I have a problem with the bears! I find it very stressful watching the cutscene !   It's not fear ,it's saving myself from having any more health problems than I already have!  

I have been playing this game for nearly three years so I'm ok with most things! And I usually play to relax and chill out !  That's what I like about TLD, I can take it at my own pace and just enjoy the experience ! I find no joy in watching the bear maulings!

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50 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I don't have a problem with moose or wolves!  I have a problem with the bears! I find it very stressful watching the cutscene !   It's not fear ,it's saving myself from having any more health problems than I already have!  

I have been playing this game for nearly three years so I'm ok with most things! And I usually play to relax and chill out !  That's what I like about TLD, I can take it at my own pace and just enjoy the experience ! I find no joy in watching the bear maulings!

Haha after every one of my bear hunts ended up in a mauling, I kinda got used to them. I get why they stress you out though, bears can be a worry, especially on low health. 

My main fear used to be wolves but a stalker run quickly got rid of that, lol! 

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27 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Haha after every one of my bear hunts ended up in a mauling, I kinda got used to them. I get why they stress you out though, bears can be a worry, especially on low health. 

My main fear used to be wolves but a stalker run quickly got rid of that, lol! 

Glad you got rid of it, especially before blackrock  came out!🙂 So many bugs you may as well lay on a plate and hand the wolf a knife and fork!😂 

I probably wouldn't mind the bear scene if it was shorter or we could defend ourselves but I doubt htl will change it!

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I spent some of the morning sitting in a car waiting for a very long blizzard to pass!  When it finally ended it was getting dark so I decided to check for the nearby cache before it got too dark. Luckily it was there,as my food was running low again.  Found enough food for a couple of days , 5 feathers, but no flare shells.  I haven't found any anywhere in PV.  After sleeping through another blizzard I decided to go to Coastal to see if the moose was there!  Luckily it was. I spent what was left of the morning shooting and chasing it round the town until it ran out onto the ice and I lost it in the fog!   It disappeared and I couldn't find it again! I'm presuming it despawned for some reason! 

I did want to try and get a wolf hide today but despite the fear being taken off the only wolf around ran away before I could get within shooting range! I'm kinda curious why this is , considering I could get so close on the other run!  

I now only have one shell left so I plan on looting the rest of coastal later! If there are none here I might head to Desolation  point and hope there are some there! 

I'm now tucked up catching up on my reading, hoping the weather stays clear for tomorrow! 🙂

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This is PV so when you have a day planned to go out, there's a blizzard, but when it's a base organising day, not a cloud in the sky! 

Good luck with finding more flare shells, sorry if you've already gone there and I've forgotten, but have you been to BI yet? Should be flare shells there, with another pistol

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16 minutes ago, Catlover said:

This is PV so when you have a day planned to go out, there's a blizzard, but when it's a base organising day, not a cloud in the sky! 

Good luck with finding more flare shells, sorry if you've already gone there and I've forgotten, but have you been to BI yet? Should be flare shells there, with another pistol

I know🙂 typical PV 😁 

No I put it off cos of the bad weather lol ! Irony!

At some point I'm going to have to go to Keepers pass north to get the ones there as well! Not my favourite place!

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21 hours ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Yeah it's not that exciting but you just have to learn about wolves and moose to be able to face your fears and turn off passive (I should know that) and bears well bears are impossible to stop unless you kill them or distress pistolthem  oh yeah timberwolves black rock doesn't have to bad wind but bleak inlet has the worst wind of the hellish trio (bleak inlet forlorn muskeg hushed river valley) so torches are impossible to ight in Bi

Otherwise timberwolves are wimps what with torches keeping them at bay and all

My apologies if the reply to this yesterday caused offence or upset. I now realise it sounded rather harsh and it was not my intention.

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Have I got another bug?  

As I was picking up something from the table Astrid said "it pays to be vigilant". I've never heard it on survival before  so I just wondered if anyone else had heard it too? 


After  a run of bad weather I decided to leave Coastal for a few days and headed to Desolation point! Found quite a few feathers  though before I left . They'll come in handy after I kill one of the bears. I'm sure I'll lose several arrows!🙂 

Haven't had much chance yet to search much of desolation ,mainly the Riken ,which is always my base when I'm there, the church and now the lighthouse.  I decided to camp out at the church for the night,which  was very peaceful ,even though a blizzard started early in the morning! 

I got lucky the next morning as I finally managed to shoot a wolf while it was eating! It did of course run off but I know it died during the second night.  Shall spend tomorrow morning looking for it as I need the hide! 

No moose on the bridge and I've yet to see the bear. Still no shells either but I'm hoping the mine might be hiding a few! 

For now I'm settling in for the night at the lighthouse,still puzzling over Astrid's comment!  And reading up on cooking skills which are sadly lacking right now! 🙂

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39 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Get a map online and go to katies secluded corner it might have a bow and if it does it can be a backup in case your on breaks   or just to decorate your base

Thanks ,I know it should be there anyway. Most of my new runs I start in desolation because I can get the bow rifle and revolver in one go!  

I have a spare already too. I got it from the picnic area cave in PV.

Comes in handy and saves searching  time! Actually I was headed there in the morning as mine is low condition already!

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