What Is The Most Useful Thing In Tld


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I'm going to put my vote in for the lowly stick... what player doesn't go about picking up almost every stick that lies on their path of travel... and with good reason... without something to light, matches aren't very effective at keeping you warm or making water or cooking your dinner.

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6 hours ago, Levelgrinder said:

Good idea for a thread. My vote is going to be for the can opener. May seem a strange choice, but when you think about it the amount of calories it saves compared to smashing cans open (and it saves the can as well) it could be the difference between life and death in the early stages of a run, especially on Interloper. And across a couple of hundred days the calories saved would be huge.

And if memory serves me correct it's also the only item listed in your stats, as in how many can openers you have found, which says to me the devs thought it important enough to include it in your stats.

I didn't think of the can opener, that's a good one. That's why I like this thread, there are so many items here that you'd never think of. 

And yeah, I think it is in the stats, though I'd never really payed any attention to it. 

2 hours ago, Blizzard Walker said:

My choice is the Mag Lens.  Most of my fires are free Mag Lens fires; I commonly wait for for a sunny day before boiling 10 liters or more of water.  Similarly I set aside raw meat until I can make a Mag Lens fire to cook meat.  Since I play on Voyageur with high end clothing its not essential to make fires to just stay warm. Match use goes way down. Presently I have over 1000 matches stashed away at various bases.

My second choice is the bow.  Although I have both a revolver and rifle, my bow is what I use for hunting deer/moose/bear and for suppressing wolves. I have gone over 200 days in my current run without shooting the revolver or rifle.  Using the bow almost exclusively means I can hoard ammunition - almost 300 total rounds are stashed away at bases.

I don't personally use the mag lens (in my PV base there are way to many blizzards, lol) but I can imagine that it is really handy with saving matches. I don't think it degrades either, aside from in wolf attacks. 

The bow is also a good one. I really should use it more so I stop running out of ammo, lol.

2 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I'm going to put my vote in for the lowly stick... what player doesn't go about picking up almost every stick that lies on their path of travel... and with good reason... without something to light, matches aren't very effective at keeping you warm or making water or cooking your dinner.

Another vote for the lowly stick! Seems to be the most popular item so far, which is a little surprising. They are very useful and probably the only item here that is technically 'unlimited' since they reappear after strong winds.

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Most useful to me are atoms and distress pistol my favorite hunting weapon though it's hard to get I also like bow rifle is good for moose and wolves and revolver just sucks for hunting I was hunting a bear in broken railroad once with three revolver shots and it sucked I almost died of cold hunting it had food poisoning off (custom) then ate raw bear meat and nothing except only atoms could heal me I tried birch bark I could make it but it didn't work

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On 2/18/2022 at 3:46 PM, Bearimpaler101 said:

Most useful to me are atoms and distress pistol my favorite hunting weapon though it's hard to get I also like bow rifle is good for moose and wolves and revolver just sucks for hunting I was hunting a bear in broken railroad once with three revolver shots and it sucked I almost died of cold hunting it had food poisoning off (custom) then ate raw bear meat and nothing except only atoms could heal me I tried birch bark I could make it but it didn't work

Oh yeah those are good ones. Though what do you mean by atom? (ik what they are irl of course, but I don't get what you mean in the game)

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