No Blackrock on Hunted?


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I'm trying to survive as long as possible on The Hunted part 1, so I figured a trip to Blackrock for the vest wouldn't do any harm. Sure, I wouldn't be able to run much with it on, but it'd save a lot of health in a fight. 

I was in Timberwolf Mountain on the summit getting those flare shells. Blackrock is just a couple hops down the mountain to the right (if you're looking towards the Mountaineer's hut), so I figured I could get there in a couple in-game hours. I had all of the time in the world to find it since the bear was stuck on the summit. I ended up using a large majority of time in the world because I could not find it. 

The maps I used said it should be right here... but its not. I figured I should start a pilgrim run in TWM to check that area to see if it was there, and sure enough, it was there on the Pilgrim. However, its not there on the Hunted. Why not? 

Is this permanent, or is Blackrock simply not ready for a challenge like the Hunted? Maybe Blackrock is not coded so that saplings and weapons don't spawn yet. 

And then of course, without thinking, I take a nap on a rock to save the game, but then realized that the bear respawned because I did...

Now I'm in Pleasant Valley hoping that maybe the absence of the cave in TWM was just a bug. I hope there is a transition here... 

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