Sewing Primer does NOT make any change!


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Does anyone else have this issue?

Seems that Sewing Primer research book does not make any change in skill. I've had this now twice. First time was at skill level 3, and now on level 4. After reading the book, there is no visible change in skill bar. Should I report this as a bug or is the change so minute, that it's invisible?

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4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Level five  takes a very long time to attain! I'm sure it's a cause of much annoyance among some of us!


I know it's 200 succesful repairs to get from level 4 to 5. But I thought the skill book is worth atleast 10 repairs, so that should have been make atleast a little mark to skill bar. But nothing?

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1 minute ago, Niskavuori said:


I know it's 200 succesful repairs to get from level 4 to 5. But I thought the skill book is worth atleast 10 repairs, so that should have been make atleast a little mark to skill bar. But nothing?

Does sound a bit odd ,I'm not sure but I'm sure some of the longer term players might have an answer. Sorry I can't help you !

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