Wouldn't it be great if we had a basic be...


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Wouldn't it be great if we had a basic bear traps in the game? It's so common and popular device that i don't have idea why isn't it in the game yet.
We already have rabbit traps but we don't have anything for the rest of the wildlife, and of course a regular bear trap would work for anything that is size of a bear or smaller.gettyimages-715255829-640x640.jpg.d68862da192bd6b579b0854642ed0dfd.jpg

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Lots of things that would make sense for a game solely based around survival mode play would not make it into implementation because it would not contribute (or contribute enough) to story mode which was the basis for The Long Dark.  A discretionary decision on the part of the devs who would have to do all the back-room work before it could be introduced. 

Once freed from the scope of story mode play, who knows what might show up over time, if development of survival mode play continued?  

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...common and popular device..

...unless you consider the victim's welfare in which case is causes horrific pain and suffering.

But it seems like they would be around. Unless the forest talkers have removed them all :)

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