Reduce wildlife population over time doesn't work


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I started to play Stalker mode to find out how fast I will clear Mystery Lake area from wolves.... After 125 days and 189 dead wolves they keep coming and coming and coming....
Maybe the formula says "8000th wolf will be the last here" who knows?

Edited by Chameleon88
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Personally, I would like to see it where wildlife does not respawn at all in a region as long as you occupy it, and only starts respawning after you leave. Force people to move around more often.


Don't know how that'd work with fishing huts, though...

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5 hours ago, GothSkunk said:

Personally, I would like to see it where wildlife does not respawn at all in a region as long as you occupy it

Wolves and other wildlife can come from close regions but it's not ok when we have "reduce population" ON and you can't reduce population.

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It does reduce, even if it's not a lot, so it does work and the wording is correct. I feel this could be solved by a sliding bar going from 0-100%. 0% means no reduction, and 100% means they will stop respawning forever. 99% would drop animal populations so low that seeing a rabbit would be a rare sight. I feel most things in the custom games could benefit from a sliding bar....or mods. or both.

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