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This gave me a bit of a scare.  I killed the bear in Desolation Point 22 days ago.  I've been expecting the bear to be back any day now, and this was a close one.

I shot an arrow into a deer a day ago, near the Riken.  Not a great shot, the arrow was in its hind leg.  It ran all over this end of the map and finally died near the waterfall behind the broken bridge.  There was no arrow when I found the deer, so I'm hoping the arrow fell out somewhere and I'm searching for it now.  I was freezing and went into the bear cave to warm up.  I crouched in the back of the cave and left the computer for a few minutes, thinking it would be my luck to come back and find the bear had respawned and I'd been mauled.  I returned and was warmed up, all seemed normal, so I headed out to resume my search.  Upon leaving the cave, I saw this.  Yikes.


I love the footprints and I wish they lasted a little longer.  Finding unexpected prints adds a lot to the game.  The pathing changed late last year to allow animals to go through gaps in fences.  I discovered it in DP when I walked to Hibernia and found wolf prints going through a gap in the fence and around the trailers.  Cool stuff.


Edited by MrWolf
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Lol,  I remember when DP was first released and I too had shot a deer down by the lighthouse after having found the survival bow.  I tracked that deer all the way to the mouth of the inlet under the broken bridge having successfully avoided the few wolves wandering about on the ice.  After having retrieved my one good arrow, I began the task of harvesting.  During the harvest a blizzard blows in and my condition drops considerably, I manage to make it back up the hill and seek refuge in the car but my condition continues to drop due to the cold.  I decide to get out and chance the bear cave.  I manage to make it inside, no bear present, and bunk down for a much needed rest.  

Imagine my surprise when I wake up and there's this sleeping bear blocking the entrance ???  I stared momentarily, stunned, not quite sure what to do.  It's either fight or flight, so I decide to get out of there and the closest protection will be the car.  I take off in a sprint and high tail it for the car.  Unbelievable, I actually make it to the car before the bear has even roused himself from his slumber.  I pop in the closest door , wait for a moment and exit to the other side keeping the car between me and the bear.  As he begins to move toward me I let him have it nearly point blank with my one and only arrow and quickly duck back into the car.  After a seemingly endless wait he finally trundles off toward the plant.  Apparently my shot wasn't fatal, cause I went back out later in the day and he was just walking around like nothing ever happened.    

...never did get that arrow back either

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Wow! Dude, that was almost as close as my encounter. Ill have to dig around on the xbox, do some uploading, but I was having problems with the weather AND cabin fever. Ran into a bear cave that I had already killed and decided to spend some time there. Tore up some clothing, worked on my clothing to help me out tank the weather, and then decided to tear apart a lantern. I start tearing it apart and all of a sudden, I get huffs and growls right ontop of my location and I freaked out and let the animation run its course...When I get done and I go back into inventory, I don't hesitate, I get out of inventory, whip out my flare gun, aim at nothing and look for my target.

The bear is asleep less than a foot in front of me......I take my time, headshot, two bear skins from the same bear spawn. XD Will get the video tomorrow, if work doesn't shut me down.

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