Crafting Question Since Errant Pilgrim Update


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It seems I can no longer make a selection to craft items in longer than 0.5-hour increments; meaning:

Let's say I want to craft a pair of Rabbitskin Hat.  Total time required is 3.5 hours (with a sewing kit).  I want to craft for a total of 2 hours.  Now, I have to restart crafting them 4 times with each time lasting exactly 0.5 hours.  There appears to no longer be an option to choose to craft for anything longer than 0.5 hours at a stretch.

1) Is anyone else noticing this.  If not, would you please let me know what I need to do on the Xbox to advance the time.  RB and LB just enable me to select the tool and X immediately starts the crafting for 0.5 hours.

2) If this is something others are noticing... Hinterlands, is this intended?... or is it a bug due to the change in UI.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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13 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

Doesn’t happen for me.

Still can chose any duration in 0.5 hours increments. 

Are you playing on an Xbox?  If so, can you describe to me what I hit to bring up that option.  I can select the tool (sewing kit or fishing tackle) using the LB or RB, but I can't  seem to scroll down to get to the line that shows the number of hours at all.  I've tried both RS and LS and the down on the D-Pad.

OK... I finally saw it.  It's Y (Switch) and it toggles between the tool selection and the hours.  Thanks.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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