I wish our character model wore gloves.

Shrike Arghast

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Yes, I understand that for the brief period when our characters aren't wearing gloves, it would show them with some. However, how long does this period normally last in a game? An hour? Tops? Exposed hands are one of the fastest routes to our guy/girl getting frostbite, so it's an issue we have to tackle early. And, once it's solved, it's generally... solved. We don't, like, lose the gloves over time.

I can't be the only one who finds it immensely disconcerting to look down at my pistol/rifle/lantern/flare/etc. and see naked, pink flesh... especially when I'm like 100 days into a game and dressed in enough fur skin to make a mountain man drop his gun and flee in shame. Could this possibly be fixed?

Edited by Shrike Arghast
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There has been much discussion around this (and also with other visible parts of the body reflecting what is actually wore).  HL is aware of it but not sure it is at the top of their list to implement since it would be quite a lift for them.  Could always append it to the Wishlist forum.

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I don't remember where to find it, but Hinterland did have a laundry list of game features they had planned to do, and they've been sticking to it pretty well so far. One of the features seemed to refer to character model in first person mode, where you'd likely see your own feet besides footprints appearing out of nowhere. I'd imagine that would include the clothing your character currently wearing as opposed to the placeholder hands we seem to have now.

It won't hurt to show support for such a feature all the same, though, as there is no guarantee that all features in a dev laundry list are going to happen.

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