What if Strength was a skill?


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A skill that affects how much you can carry and how fast you break down items. You could improve the skill from breaking down items, walking while incumbered, and being well fed. I think it would be better too if the player lost points towards strength from starvation. Another possible benefit could be increase success in animal struggles. You could receive a 2 pound carry capacity boost and a 10% reduction in time to break down items for each skill level. What do you guys think?


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I think that our weight carrying capacities and the ways already present for increasing them work perfectly well for this game as they are right now.  We need some kind of limits, otherwise we'd end up carrying around a house on our backs (so to speak).  I think it's an important part of the game to have to make decisions on what you are going to carry vs what you are going to store away.  Having to make those careful decisions adds a lot to how your day is going to unfold... I think having strength as a skill might take away from that, which in my mind is not a good thing.

Edited by ManicManiac
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I agree with you I think I can carry too much sometimes. That's why with a strength Skill I would also like to see the player start with say 10-20 less pounds and we would have to work our way up to the current weight. I also would like to see an incentive to being encumbered because it's a huge risk weighing yourself down. Also I find that I can starve myself and still get by on minimal food resources if we were further punished for starvation say reduction in strength Skill than it makes taking in calories much more crucial to surviving.

Edited by Timmytwothumbs
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