Deer Hunting in Pleasant Valley


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OK so I am in a dire situation in Pleasant Valley. It's day 30ish in my newest Interloper run, and things were running smoothly until I made the stupid mistake to go visit PV. 

Oh well, here I am now. Since I almost starved to death 2 days ago I desperately had tried to hunt deer with my 3 arrows (still waiting for the saplings to cure in ML, so I can make more ... but that's a different story, for now I am really happy if I ever make it back there). 

To cut a long story short, I shot 2 deer in 48 ingame hours. Unfortunately I lost the blood spotted trail of the first one. Then a blizzard started to build and I was freezing quickly so I had to give up the search and make it back to the cabin. I got luckier with the 2nd deer on the next day, but now I would really like my arrow back, and for that I need to find that 1st deer.

Do you have any tips on finding it? I have not seen or heard ANY crows in that region, so I have no clue where it might have gone. How many days until a deer disappears? Will blizzards make the deer disappear? If so, is there any chance I might still find that arrow, or would you recommend that I just give up the search and try to go for another deer before I hopefully have regained enough condition to head back to Mystery Lake ?

I hit the first deer very close to Draft Dodger's Cabin, by the way :( I'll never make that mistake again, the place looks super nice, but deer can end up virtually everywhere there. I was really desperate though, so I might do the same if I ever got into the same situation again, haha.

And on a sidenote : what's a good strategy to stock up on food in Interloper? Or how much food do you usully stock up before you feel it's safe enough to move on to another region?

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It's unfortunate that you lost site of the first deer you hit and I guess your only hope of recovering your arrow is to find the carcass in the next few days before it disappears. If your condition is up for it you could explore in the general direction of where the deer ran and perhaps you will hear some crows that will show you where the carcass is. It's early game and it might be better to just let it go as exploring looking for your arrow might lead to a huge condition loss or an unexpected wolf encounter. I always find that early game it's more hand to mouth on food until you can get level 5 cooking when you can eat wolf and bear safely. Hope you can get back to Mystery Lake as the weather is pretty crappy on PV . 

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