Start Episode 2 in the condition you finished Episode 1


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When I play Wintermute I always start from Episode 1.  I never skip directly to Episode 2.  And I've noticed that the Well Fed buff disappears when Episode 2 starts, necessitating another 3-day ramp up period to obtain it.  I don't know how big an ask this is, but I think it would provide a stronger sense of continuity there if we start Episode 2 in the exact same condition we end Episode 1 in, for better or for worse.

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Interestingly enough, some things DO carry over.  As a test, just prior to exiting the cave into Mystery Lake and officially ending Episode 1, I lit a fire, and heated up/drank a cup of coffee.  When Episode 2 started, I had the Fatigue Reduced and Warming Up benefits still in play, about half spent.  Seems like this may actually be an oversight when Well Fed was added... I'm going to report this as a bug.

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17 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Well done. I had never noticed or tested in Wintermute for things like this. Wouldn't likely have even thought about it if you had not posted this. 

Everything else condition-wise seemed to carry over? 

I'll have to try some other shenanigans and see what does or does not carry over.  I actually slept off the condition damage from that fall just prior to exiting the transition cave, but if memory serves, you start Episode 2 at 100% condition anyway.  I'm not sure if there's a way I can sprain something after making that final rope climb in Milton.  Something like hypothermia or frostbite would be easy to test though.

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