Day 135 and still going...


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I'm currently at 135 days, I've investigated both maps (but for some reason I haven't gotten the explorer achievement I think its because I've been playing a game I started before the latest version so the burned out buildings are blocking the achievement). I've settled into the Camp office with the gear from both maps. I've got every container in the office filled, I SOOOO wish I could leave things on shelves to make it neater.

At this point I've got a pretty good routine set up:

I have enough meat for 2 weeks sitting around, I'll be stuffed keeping it from going bad, (although I'll have to start eating some of my canned food before it spoils which is another huge gripe for another time). I have 15 rounds for the rifle.

I have enough wood to keep a fire going for a week

I have about 30 liters of water

I have 40 wood matches and 30 cardboard matches as well as an unused firestriker and a magnifying glass.

I'm finding that I'm now at a place where I don't need to shoot anything. I set traps and get rabbits, 3-5 a day. I wait for a wolf to leave a kill and get more gut. I fish to supplement and I'm good. If I really need to I wait for a wolf to take a deer then push a rabbit to the wolf, the wolf goes for the rabbit and never goes back to the deer. I set a fire near the deer and I get an influx of 5-8k of venison as well as the gut. The only thing that prevents this from working for a LONG time is the need to go out and check the traps every 1-2 days, both for the meat, and also if you leave them too long they seem to break more readily, and that means wear and tear on clothing (see below).

My limiting factor is going to be one of the following:

- Cloth to repair cloths and bandages (if they make more craftable clothes this will be MUCH less of an issue)

- Spare parts to repair my knife/hatchet/gun (Although I can use my bare hands to strip kills and gather wood, it's just slower)

- Simple tools (this is likely less of an issue as above)

- Sewing kit to repair clothing (I think this is the most likely thing to limit my run as it's needed to repair even craftable cloths).

I'm currently working to the silent hunter achievement. And if I could preserve meat I'd push for the pacifist achievement.

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I'm not 100% sure as I haven't purposely tried it myself but I think the Silent Hunter and Pacifist achievements do require you following the rules from the start of the game. Even if it doesn't say so in the text. I'm pretty sure I should have gotten the Pacifist achievement by now if it's possible to get it later.

And if you think about it, it kinda makes sense. Otherwise it would be real easy to make a stockpile of supplies and food using the rifle/ otherwise killing animals and then lock yourself in your base and only eat drink and sleep until you get the achievement. But the text should be updated to make this clear.

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