Co-op mode


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Technically possible (it is naysayers! There are simple answers to the various mechanics). But your ultimately talking about the business case for redevelopment, with all the rework, bugs and disruption to add a feature that gives you, IMHO, less than you think. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of shared experience but its such a different game with two. The TLD is really about being alone, depending on yourself, making hard, even fatal, choices, and longing for some company... i think with two you lose more than you gain. But kudos to Hinterland, its such a good game we want to share the experience!

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Among all the talk I see of multi-player modes, I think co-op would be the best bet. Surviving as a pair would be fun, splitting up tasks and overall lending itself to a delightful experience. I think you'd need to have it be reliant on both characters to be alive, though. Like, if one dies then the game ends (or just becomes a single-player game).

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