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Hey all. New to the forums, but not to the game (although apparently, I signed up for the forums back in '16, who knew?). I've been distancing myself from social media but I still want to be informed about the things I like, so I figured what better way than the old school way (straight to the source and normal forums/message boards)? Saw the retail release trailer this morning and decided to come check out the forums again. It also helps that the Milton Mailbag is a thing and had me coming here for the last couple of months just to read those.

I bought the game on Steam when it was still very EA and have not found a game that I constantly want to return to like this one. I actually think this game is what made me finally sign up for a Steam account. I was super ecstatic when it was released on consoles as well because my PC doesn't have super great specs and I don't have a graphics card haha, so it runs pretty poorly there.

A little about me:

I'm 31, live in Michigan, fostering an 11 month old little boy who we (my wife and I, married for 5 years, together for 11) are hoping to be able to adopt, pending the decision of the courts in regards to the parents. I enjoy nature, music, technology, and just generally messing around and trying to learn new skills.

Anyway, hi B|

Stay warm out there.

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Hey there! Welcome to the forums! Or welcome back! ;)

And yeah, don;t fret over signing up and forgetting your account details. I did the same. Registered after I first bought the game 2+ years ago. Forgot which email I used, so I could reset my password, so i created this account. And politely asked for my old account to be nixed, if it could be found.  It happens, lol! 


Best wishes to you and your wife on the fostering and adoption process. It can be slow and laborious here in the US.  Here's hoping the red tape gets unwound quickly.  :)

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