The one meal a day trick


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I have seen it brought up a few times that its a bit of a neaky trick to just eat a slab of meat before bed and starve for the rest of the day.

You loose condition thrugh the day from starvation but its not life threatening to go without food for the day and you recover the lost condition when you sleep on a full stomach. 

This is kind of realistic but it does feel a bit 'gamey'

I think a good solution would be a bodyfat meter.

So all the time you have food in you over time you put on body fat and loose it when you are empty. So going all day with out food would eat up your body fat. Running or using calories on an empty stomach would burn your fat faster. Once you have no body fat your condidtion deteriates MUCH faster. 

Bodyfat could also contribute to feels like temp so building up a good amount of blubber from eating all that bear meat you have stashed in the boot of a car will allow you to survive the cold better.. untill you burn it up. So building up a good fat reserve would allow you to go with out food for a day or two with out significant condition loss but once you abuse your fat reserve too much you start feeling the cold more and your condition drops significantly if you go with out food.


So now there is an advantage to eating in the day and keeping your tummy full and not just eating at night to recover in your sleep. And it punishes such behavior due to rapid condition loss when your fat reserve has ran out from not eating consistently.


I kind of created my own head cannon that condition was your fat reserve but then holes in it apear when your fat reserve drops from a wolf attack and you die when you got no fat wich makes no sence, also you should get warm from running and doing intensive work like wood chopping if your burning fat and this does not happen when your condition drops.


I dont know how easy it would be to add a body fat meter.. or if there may be unintended consaquences, i cant think of any off the top of my head but perhaps someone else can?


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Methinks this belongs in the wish list subforum :)

That said, I agree with the premise.  Short term starvation, yeah a little condition damage, no biggie.  I don't know about a body fat meter, but something like reducing your max condition or your fatigue level or something.  Just brainstorming here, but say you burn 10,000 calories you don't have, every 1,000 calories after that reduces your max condition or fatigue by 1%.  Go 20,000 calories into the red, you're penalized a total of 10%, and so on.  Avoiding starvation for 3 days removes the penalty entirely, and resets the negative calorie counter to 0.

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