2 weeks in Forlorn Muskeg


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What a beautiful place!  Been here several times passing through and even stopping for a couple days, but living here and experiencing the weather, the sky, the wind, is awesome.

Started in the south in the middle cave as my base (came from ML with food, water, and bedroll. Not stupid you know) and started collecting sticks. Got cave all homey. Slept then started hunting the next day. Weather is bad but not so bad that I cant do other things like collect sticks, or explore around a bit. 

Only one deer on the south side of the region as far as I found. A wolf helped me take it down. I shot him in the face as a favour and cooked him too.

I didn't need the forge since I already have arrows  from DP but I looted everything and stocked up the forge with coal and metal in case I want to come back.

Moved northside and occupied a cave there. 

4 Deer on the north side. could live here for a long time  but not a lot to do. A wolf helped me take the first deer at signal hill. I thanked him in the face with my arrow and he proceeded to run off with it. The weather has been bad since, and the crows are not helpful in finding the ungreatful furry, which is probably up some inaccessible climb. And so this is why I make 14 arrow heads at DP.

Most of my mornings and evenings are spent at the entrance of my cave looking out at the sunrise/sunset in the fog or snow blowing with beautiful red or orange colours.

The cooking fire with one pot is a welcome way to spend time. One pot for water, 2L at a time, and no pot to do 2 steaks at a time. I got confused about the cooking steaks when I commented to my wife (sitting beside me as I play. she has her own game or a book) that the venison cooking smelled very good, and she pointed out that the smell was the neighbours bbq. Such immersion in this game!

Soon I will move on to DP. But the Skeg is awesome! Thanks Hinterland Devs!

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Yes Forlorn is a good map once you know your way around a bit and avoid trying to cross the middle in bad weather as you can get a little off path and fall through the ice. The cave near the view point is a good hunting spot as there are usually deer / wolves and perhaps moose and you can go along the hill and make it to the overlook where there are saplings and rabbits.  Cave hopping west you can make it to the forge at the Spencer's Farmstead.  You can really build up your archery skill tagging those wolves from the loft above the forge where you sleep. Had one 230 day Voyageur run where I spent close to 110 days alone on Forlorn Muskeg so it can be a good place to hunt but you usually have to go loot other places then return. Broken Railroad is also on the other side and has some decent loot. 

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